Re: Religion on the List

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 26 Sep 1998 01:44:14 -0500

Hi Don!

Well, this list purpose is really quite simple, free energy, gravity
control and health related topics...and subjects that might tie in to
help understand or REALIZE how the aforementioned topics can be made a
reality....radionics is well established with a lot of practitioners,
the pyramid is a very crude radionics type device...not tuned using the
body as an antenna but tuned by the signature (phrasing and link) on the

I think the concern is a particular belief system such as Catholicism,
Christianity or such...and bringing in concepts of good or evil...thats
just not appropriate as it definitely points to a belief and/or judgment

The point here is HARDWARE, not god or satan, good or evil.

If an experiment is claimed to have worked and there is sufficient
information to post or point to that others can try it themselves then
fine...but god and religion is not subject to an experiment that is
hardware related....unless someone is hiding information again like I am
so often accused of doing...<g>....

I sure hope we don't get off into standard newsgroup arguing....I can
easily make the list moderated so that no post gets through without my
approval....but people will be gone before that will happen...too time
consuming for me and I fully expect responsible people to have enough
common sense to realize what fits and can be correlated and what doesn't
without dragging in religion, conspiracies, UFO/abductions/lights in the
sky, poems and such topics better directed at other lists....

As the person posted out, its better to see 5 useful, informative posts
a week than 100 with junk...and I agree with that two hundred percent.

Unfortunately, sometimes metaphysical concepts are the best way to
describe some ideas (because there are often few if any corrolaries or
analogies in normal, non-metaphysical terms) and I find that perfectly
acceptable until people start invoking God(s) or their particular flavor
as 'the way' or warning of satanic/evil propensities.

That's just wrong, people are old enough to be able to determine if they
want to chance an experiment without being 'preached at'...and some of
the posts I've seen from people here have been doing exactly
that....just out of place...

It's not hard to comprehend in the least and if there are problems with
the approach, anyone is free to leave the list if that is their main
interest, then they've lost their reason for being here anyway and need
to just move on.

The focus for this list remains as primarily threefold and quite basic
though there are permutations and these interests are what spawns and
ennervates KeelyNet...

I just hope people can keep their own prejudices out of the discussions
as it does upset others who sometimes don't want to further flame it up
by posting to the list as the email sent to me indicates. It is not the
first complaining of topic skewing but is one of the more specific.

I almost want to take the blame for starting it, but I reread the
original post and all it said was I had experimented with pyramids with
some degree of what I considered success and gave details and the theory
as to how I thought it might work.

Suddenly, out of the blue, it became evil, witchcraft and all kinds of
weirdness that was never stated or claimed...just a simple
experiment....we'll see in the future if any useful experiment results
are posted for all to learn from....I am certainly hoping people will
try this very simple experiment...after all, you don't really need your
soul while you are still alive....<G>......

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187