Re: pineal details, and frankincense oil/resin/incense

Michelle Webster ( )
Sat, 19 Sep 1998 23:44:52 -0500

> Tissue calcification is strongly connected with the aging process.
> Calcification of the pineal gland begins before puberty, is well
> established in early adulthood, and is so advanced in middle age
> that it is used as a reference location in x-rays and CAT scans.
> In terms of calcification, the pineal gland leads the rest of the
> body in the aging process. It is possible that some of the
> therapeutic benefits of chelation therapy may be due to its
> removal of calcium from the pineal gland.

FYI... can't get you a source on this.. but, it's relatively well-known
that the use of frankincense causes the pineal to decalcify and to actually

Tibetan monks are known for their enlarged pineal glands, presumably from
their use of frankincense or their "heightened" awareness of the holy
