Re: Kervran & Chicken Eggs

Jean-Pierre Lentin ( )
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 12:22:46 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi Frank, Bill & all

Frank Hartman's post on Kervran's chicken and transmutation experiments was
not completely accurate. Here is what comes from the horse's mouth !

A few quotations from the 2nd book (French edition, 1966) by Louis Kervran
on biological transmutations (my translation) :

"Mica contains potassium silicate. So chicken would seem to produce the
reaction :
potassium + hydrogen = calcium."

Later in the book, after presenting other low energy transmutation
occurrences, in geology, micro-organisms, etc

"Nature has 3 ways to obtain calcium by transmutation :
potassium + hydrogen,
magnesium + oxygen,
silicium + carbone."

Lastly, details about the chicken egg experiments :

"In a henhouse, on a soil made of clay, chicken were left without "calcaire"
(chalk/calcium materials). After a few days, they laid eggs with soft
shells. Then we brought them pure mica (from a minerals supplier). These
chicken, raised in a closed henhouse, bought as 1-day old chicks, had never
seen mica. They ate it voraciously. (...). The next day, we had eggs with
normal shells. Elsewhere, another experiment was done for 40 days. As soon
as mica was suppressed, the next day there were again soft shells - because
potassium is not stocked, it is formed and eliminated rapidly."

Hope this helps

Jean-Pierre Lentin