Re: Nexsus into tabloid journalism ?

Steve Meeker ( )
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 14:30:09 -0700

Rule: any advert in an "alternative" type mag or tabloid is bogus. if
this really worked-repeatable positive results, SOMEBODY would have
picked it up in the media, because HEALTH STUFF SELLS. if there was any
validity, gary nuul/art bell at least would have checked it out. these
type of claims surface all of the time. they prey on people with little
hope. as the millenium gets closer these things will increase in number
and claims. critical thinking, not hoping, will get to the truth.
Re: Rife---build your own cheap rife unit. use a frequency generator
set to square wave, output to some electrodes, which can be wires
soldered to metal plates, cover with a light open fabric like gauze,
cover that with a saline solution or go to a surgical supply store and
get electrode gel. it should be turned up to comfort.---rule on these
things is that you turn to when you feel it, any more and it is wasted
as the current is not being absobed by the skin.
if you need more power than the generator puts out, take a radio shack
PA Transformer, hook it up backwards in line to the trodes [put it in a
project box]. you now have a stable output, stable frequency unit
putting out a square wave. thats it, TA-DA. generator about 200
dollars, the other stuff is pennies.
this works.
I absolutely never never never use this clinically, only on myself.

ryb wrote:
> Imdo not know if this is a bad or god thing.However it seems that lately
> the magazine NEXUs seem to be the the banner for people that claim
> discoveries that are,well not so obvious..
> Nexus,last issue Aug/Sept 98(vol 5,#5)-
> page 17 :"They laughed when He Claimed his Program Could Rewgenerate
> Bones and remover ScarTissues in Minutes'
> At the very top you see a small "advertisement" notice..same thing is
> prevalent in the tabloid media..
> This doctor Ray(John Whiteman) is from australia-any validity to his
> claims ?
> I have an aunt who is dieying of leukemia ,cancer.has diabetes,etc..yet
> he claims to be able to cure these diseases by waht I can infer imposing
> hands unto one's body ?