Nexsus into tabloid journalism ?

ryb ( )
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 14:12:38 -0400

Imdo not know if this is a bad or god thing.However it seems that lately
the magazine NEXUs seem to be the the banner for people that claim
discoveries that are,well not so obvious..

Nexus,last issue Aug/Sept 98(vol 5,#5)-
page 17 :"They laughed when He Claimed his Program Could Rewgenerate
Bones and remover ScarTissues in Minutes'
At the very top you see a small "advertisement" notice..same thing is
prevalent in the tabloid media..
This doctor Ray(John Whiteman) is from australia-any validity to his
claims ?
I have an aunt who is dieying of leukemia ,cancer.has diabetes,etc..yet
he claims to be able to cure these diseases by waht I can infer imposing
hands unto one's body ?
Is is just a rip off or soemrsults here ?

Another example-the article entitled The BECK ZAPPER...renewed hope vs
Now,I do not discount Beck discoveries a she was a main force into the
renewed intersst into electro-medecine..

Now,how many have been cured of AIDS using his zapper ? Also who sell
his devices-so far SOTA and Dragonfly seem to be the only one and they
denounce each other as they have the real "McCoy".

It would appear to me that the reasons why not too many are making this
device is that it is dangerous to use,results are not probant and
fatalities have occurred,thus...


P.S. I am NOT convince of the validity fo the Bare/Rife devices in view
of their costs,especially for Canadians..
I did recommend to my aunt the following this to do at once:

1-Try CAN'T (the real 'essaic',not the bogus one put out by Flora from
Vancouver,whose main owner DIED of cancer in 96 I believe-the company
has tried to hide this)

2- NONI juice or caps

3-HS-Hydrazine Sulfate

4-714-X (Gaston Nassens products)

5-Apricots,B-17(Laetrile) from the Christian Brothers..(they forward it
from Mexico to their clients as I undewstand it)

Now for electrical devices....(in the near future)

A-SOTA's Ozonator-re ozonated water(to drink)

B- SOTA's Magnetic Pulser

After that what ? Ed Skilling devices(phonotron),Rife Model D,etc ..a
Lakhovsky MWO ? A Bare/Rife device is expensive for Canada and
considering all the problems people using these devices have and the
mitigated success..Radionic devices depend on the operator 6th sense-and
are complicated to use..Open Sesame devices are quite expensive for
Caandians-$3,750 US for starters-as a rule you have to double its price
for Canada and then pay the hefty taxes on top of it !