Re: running a car on 'eather'

Norman Wootan ( )
Wed, 09 Sep 1998 21:32:17 -0500

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Hi! Stephen: I can tell by your first question that this is not going
to be an easy task. Back in the good old days of the Keelynet BBS we
had a tight group of serious researchers that kept up to speed on
everything pertaining to Energy, Gravity, Biology and other areas of
interest. Everyone read and understood one another=92s messages and
post. The biggest problem I have seen with the Internet is conventional
schooled folks running upon information in this very non-conventional
area of research where we have to write our own definitions and terms
for none of this is found in the text books. Please bear with us and
read all message traffic for clues as to the meaning of terms that are
being thrown out on the list.
Orgone: A form of subtle energy that cannot be measured by conventional
methods. Discovered and named by Whilhelm Reight back in the 1920=92s.
Much has been written about this form of energy that occurs naturally in
our atmosphere that many believe causes our weather and phenomenon such
as lightning. Chuck Henderson here on the KeelyNet List is probably the
best read expert.
The idea of running an internal combustion engine on orgone energy goes
back to Reight=92s research and is covered in Joseph Cater=92s book; The
Awesom Life Force. In this book are plans for building a unit such as
the MarkIII as being discussed here on this list.
Joseph Cater explains the theory of soft electrons as the chargeless
precursors to electrons or positrons. Think of them as being a
transition form of aetheric energy that lies between photons (light) and
electrons (binding force) of elements. Please read the work of Walter
Russell for he was a believer of forms of hydrogen called hydrons which
have a proton nucleus plus a soft chargeless soft electron.
As to your question as to what occurs in the cylinder to cause the
piston to move with force. Think about the John Worrels Keely
experiments where he caused a cold vapor and terrific expansion up to
26,000 PSI in a closed container. He probably triggered the same
reaction that would occur where you have a compressed air charge in
which you release a high voltage discharge (spark) with the entire
engine surrounded with an aetheric orgone energy charge. Terrific cold
expansion of the compressed air charge equals work.
No electrical energy is required from the battery other than that
required to provide the timed spark as in normal engine operation.
Remember that all this has been written about before and is highly
theoritical. We are all waiting for that breakthrough that will allow
us to see for ourselves an actual working example of this technology. I
have heard of other examples of this type of energy but so far have not
seen a working prototype. Please read all you can find and don=92t
hesitate to ask questions for Jerry and others on the list may have
better answers that I. Norm

Steve wrote:

> To Norm,
> If you would please, bring me up to speed, and clarify a few things
> for me.
> 1) What is Orgone?
> 2) Is it your belief, that photons, are just electrons, in an
> 'unexcited state' ? I had never heard
> that expoused as a theory.
> 3) If this 'eatherial' energy flows through the engine block; what
> then, is the 'physical
> mechanism', which causes the pistons to still react in a manner,
> which mimics an
> explosion of hydrocarbon rich fuel? Especially if there is no
> 'heat' being conducted
> anywhere!?
> 4) Is the atmosphere in the cylinders, undergoing a pressure change of
> some sort, as a
> result of this energy transfer? Or, is there some sort of
> 'cyclical harmonics' at the core of
> this phenomenon, which causes the engine to turn over? And, if
> so, HOW?
> 5) By what standards, and devices (if any) can this "energy" be
> measured? Is it 'causing'
> electrical activity anywhere? I get the impression, that it would
> have to be, if this 'device'
> is self sustaining, and that the dissolution, and reconstitution
> of the water is in a
> closed system!
> 6) Or, is that electricity, coming from the car battery, which is
> being replenished by the
> alternator? If that is NOT the case, then from whence comes that
> extra electricity?
> 7) It seems to me that, since the other electrical demands, that the
> spark plugs, and various
> operational devices are still putting on the electrical system;
> then that system itself, is in
> need of a boost somewhere along the line, to handle the extra
> demand, Is it not? (This
> may be a stupid question, if the electrical demands of Joe's
> device, are not that
> extensive, But, I get the general impression, that it must have
> pretty hefty energy
> consumption demands of it's own, and those are set up to be run
> by electricity, initially at
> least. Is that electrical demand, then met, and superseeded by
> the 'eatheral energy'
> supply?)
> Stephen Brummitt
> ____________________________________________________________________
> At 03:53 PM 9/9/98 -0500, you wrote:
>> Ken: You are absolutely right in your observation. Joel and I took
>> Tom Bearden's
>> advice about thinking backwards when dealing with Aetheric energy.
>> The very
>> best organic dielectrics provide the best conductors for aetheric
>> energy. This
>> we learned from comments made by our dearly departed friend, LES
>> who said a silk cord was an excellent conductor of pyramid energy.
>> It seams
>> that plain hot rolled steel or steel wool is the best layering
>> material for orgone
>> accumulators with natural organic layers of wool, silk, wood fiber,
>> cork etc. as the
>> attraction material. Orgone energy or aetheric energy (soft
>> electrons in Joseph
>> Caters book) has a hugh affinity for water. This is the reason
>> polarized or charged
>> water is used as an accumulator in the MarkI thru MarkIII device.
>> Read up on
>> the Cloud Busters and how they are connected to a running water
>> supply such as
>> a moving stream via a flex steel conduit. Soft electrons are the
>> precursors to hard electrons that posses a negative charge. I think
>> of soft electrons as the transition state
>> between photons and hard electrons. They are chargeless and come
>> from the Aetheric
>> background. The 1.5 V charge placed across the MarkIII cell
>> probably establishes
>> an aetheric flow into the water and only needs to be present to get
>> the process started.
>> What do you think about this explanation????????? Norm
>> Ken Carrigan wrote:
>> > Seems to me.. that anyone spending the time and $$ to manufactor
>> > theseMARK I, II or III devices must have some idea that it works.
>> > I could notimagine someone developing the MARK I, having it fail...
>> > and furtherdeveloping a MARKII having it fail and then a MARK III
>> > and having thatfail also. Seems to me there has GOT to be
>> > something here... that wemight not see... but works. The latest
>> > word I heard was that this "energy output"is NOT coupled into the
>> > manifold... or carborator. It flows through the"whole" engine?
>> > That is very very odd.... Also note.. that Anode and cathode.. both
>> > are CRES 316 and only 1.5 voltsor NO voltage at all (once charged
>> > properly) is used to extract this "eather"energy. Seems what we
>> > are thinking is that we need to break the H20 downinto monotonic
>> > oxygen and monotonic hydrogen.. or diatomic whatever...This is NOT
>> > the case with the original post. The key here.. is that we must
>> > replicate this BY FAITH! What I mean is thatwhat we know.. about
>> > science.. IT IS NOT... explainable at all. At least thisis what I
>> > am getting out of this whole "running off the eather... What do you
>> > think.. all.. v/r Ken Carrigan

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Hi! Stephen:  I can tell by your first question that this is not goi=ngto be an easy task.  Back in the good old days of the Keelynet BBSwe had a tight group of serious researchers that kept up to speed on ever=ythingpertaining to Energy, Gravity, Biology and other areas of interest. Everyone read and understood one another=92s messages and post.  Thebiggest problem I have seen with the Internet is conventional schooledfolks running upon information in this very non-conventional area of rese=archwhere we have to write our own definitions and terms for none of this isfound in the text books.  Please bear with us and read all messagetraffic for clues as to the meaning of terms that are being thrown outon the list.
Orgone:  A form of subtle energy that cannot be measured by conv=entionalmethods.  Discovered and named by Whilhelm Reight back in the 1920=92=s. Much has been written about this form of energy that occurs naturally inour atmosphere that many believe causes our weather and phenomenon suchas lightning. Chuck Henderson here on the KeelyNet List is probably thebest read expert.
The idea of running an internal combustion engine on orgone energygoes back to Reight=92s research and is covered in Joseph Cater=92s book;= TheAwesom Life Force.  In this book are plans for building a unit suchas the MarkIII as being discussed here on this list.
Joseph Cater explains the theory of soft electrons as the chargelessprecursors to electrons or positrons.  Think of them as being a tran=sitionform of aetheric energy that lies between photons (light) and electrons(binding force) of elements.  Please read the work of Walter Russellfor he was a believer of forms of hydrogen called hydrons which have aproton nucleus plus a soft chargeless soft electron.
As to your question as to what occurs in the cylinder to cause thepiston to move with force.   Think about the John Worrels Keelyexperiments where he caused a cold vapor and terrific expansion up to 26,=000PSI in a closed container.  He probably triggered the same reactionthat would occur where you have a compressed air charge in which you rele=asea high voltage discharge (spark) with the entire engine surrounded withan aetheric orgone energy charge.  Terrific cold expansion of thecompressed air charge equals work.
No electrical energy is required from the battery other than that req=uiredto provide the timed spark as in normal engine operation.
Remember that all this has been written about before and is highlytheoritical.  We are all waiting for that breakthrough that will all=owus to see for ourselves an actual working example of this technology.&nbs=p;I have heard of other examples of this type of energy but so far have notseen a working prototype.  Please read all you can find and don=92thesitate to ask questions for Jerry and others on the list may have bette=ranswers that I.  Norm

Steve wrote:

 To Norm,

If you would please, bring me up to speed, and clarify a few thingsfor me.

1) What is Orgone?
2) Is it your belief, that photons, are just electrons, in an 'unexci=tedstate' ? I had never heard
     that expoused as a theory.
3) If this 'eatherial' energy flows through the engine block; whatthen, is the 'physical
     mechanism', which causes the pistons to stil=lreact in a manner, which mimics an
     explosion of hydrocarbon rich fuel? Especial=lyif there is no 'heat' being conducted
4) Is the atmosphere in the cylinders, undergoing a pressure changeof some sort, as a
     result of this energy transfer? Or, is theresome sort of 'cyclical harmonics' at the core of
     this phenomenon, which causes the engine toturn over? And, if so, HOW?
5) By what standards, and devices (if any) can this "energy" be measu=red?Is it 'causing'
     electrical activity anywhere? I get the impr=ession,that it would have to be, if this 'device'
     is self sustaining, and that the dissolution=,and reconstitution of the water is in a
     closed system!
6)  Or, is that electricity, coming from the car battery, whichis being replenished by the
      alternator? If that is NOT the case,then from whence comes that extra electricity?
7)  It seems to me that, since the other electrical demands, tha=tthe spark plugs, and various
      operational devices are still puttingon the electrical system; then that system itself, is in
      need of a boost somewhere along theline, to handle the extra demand, Is it not? (This
      may be a stupid question, if the elect=ricaldemands of Joe's device, are not that
      extensive, But, I get the general impr=ession,that it must have pretty hefty energy
      consumption demands of it's own, andthose are set up to be run by electricity, initially at
      least. Is that electrical demand, thenmet, and superseeded by the 'eatheral energy'

Stephen Brummitt
At 03:53 PM 9/9/98 -0500, you wrote:

Ken: You are absolutely right in your observ=ation. Joel and I took Tom Bearden's
advice about thinking backwards when dealing with Aetheric energy.&nb=sp;The very
best organic dielectrics provide the best conductors for aetheric ene=rgy. This
we learned from comments made by our dearly departed friend, LES BROW=N
who said a silk cord was an excellent conductor of pyramid energy.&nb=sp;It seams
that plain hot rolled steel or steel wool is the best layering materi=alfor orgone
accumulators with natural organic layers of wool, silk, wood fiber,cork etc. as the
attraction material.  Orgone energy or aetheric energy (soft ele=ctronsin Joseph
Caters book) has a hugh affinity for water.  This is the reasonpolarized or charged
water is used as an accumulator in the MarkI thru MarkIII device.&nbs=p; Read up on
the Cloud Busters and how they are connected to a running water suppl=ysuch as
a moving stream via a flex steel conduit.  Soft electrons arethe precursors to hard electrons that posses a negative charge.  Ithink of soft electrons as the transition state
between photons and hard electrons.  They are chargeless and com=efrom the Aetheric
background.  The 1.5 V charge placed across the MarkIII cell pro=bablyestablishes
an aetheric flow into the water and only needs to be present to getthe process started.
What do you think about this explanation?????????   Norm

Ken Carrigan wrote:

 Seems to me.. that any=onespending the time and $$ to manufactor theseMARK I, II  or III devic=esmust have some idea that it works.  I could notimagine someone devel=opingthe MARK I, having it fail... and furtherdeveloping a MARKII having itfail and then a MARK III and having thatfail also.   Seems tome there has GOT to be something here... that wemight not see... but work=s.  The latest word I heard was that this "energy output"is NOT coupled intothe manifold... or carborator.  It flows through the"whole" engine?&=nbsp;That is very very odd.... A=lsonote.. that Anode and cathode.. both are CRES 316 and only 1.5 voltsorNO voltage at all (once charged properly) is used to extract this "eather="energy. Seems what we are thinking is that we need to break the H20 downinto mono=tonicoxygen and monotonic hydrogen.. or diatomic whatever...This is NOT thecase with the original post. Thekey here.. is that we must replicate this BY FAITH!  What I mean isthatwhat we know.. about science.. IT IS NOT... explainable at all. At least thisis what I am getting out of this whole "running off the eath=er...What do you think.. all.. <=/FONT>v/rKen Carrigan