Re: Extending Life

Steve ( )
Mon, 07 Sep 1998 16:18:32 -0400

Hi Don,

I was looking thru some links on a website, and I found several
articles that might be of interest to you.

"Research Uncovers A Key To Aging And Lifespan Determination"


"New Insights Into The Enigma Of Lengthening Longevity"


"Scientists Extend The Life Span Of Human Cells"


"Scientists Getting Closer To Understanding How Cells Age"


Here are a couple others, while not relating to extending life
directly, are still interesting and connected to this topic..

"Improved Oxygen Bath To Heal Wounds, Lessen Number Of Amputations"


"Scientists Identify New Gene That Controls Sleep/wake Cycle"


While I was working for Ontario Hydro last year, I attended a
presentation on shift work, and part of that was on sleep patterns.
The speaker talked about circadian rhythms, and how they affect our
health and such.. He mentioned that people tend to be healthier if they
go along with their rhythms instead of changing their actions to suit
their lifestyle. Studies have shown that the best time to eat the
biggest meal of the day is at lunch, and then have a rest right after
eating.. The guy said that changing your eating/sleeping habits
in accordance with your natural rhythms, you'll most likely live
a less stressful life.. it's not directly related to extending
life, but if you do lead a stressful life, it could certainly help!

I hope you find these links useful!


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