Re: Run a car on Orgone Charged Water?

Bill McMurtry ( )
Wed, 02 Sep 1998 17:21:08 +1000

Hi Chuck,

Man, if only it were that simple <g>. Joe X, if that's his real name <g>,
takes the output hose from his 'fuel cell' and connects it to a blank
connector on the carburettor. There is no connection between the fuel cell
and the engine that would allow any gases to enter the combustion
chambers!!! On top of that Joe X does'nt need, it is claimed, any power
(battery) driving the fuel cell. I use the word 'bizaar' quite correctly, I
think. It's a weird world, 'aint it? All of this would be mildly
interesting if only they were'nt trying to flog a 40 page booklet for $41
US. I bet the 'booklet' is 40 photocopied pages. IMHO, absolute
CRAP...where's my tar and feathers...<gg>.

Regards, Bill.

At 01:32 2/09/98 -0500, Chuck Henderson wrote:
>Hi Bill, Jerry, et al!
>Sorry folks, but all I see here is a fancy electrolysis set-up. If he can
>produce enough hydrogen to keep his engine running and do the
>necessary fine tuning for optimal function of the engine, then he has
>a device that will make him millions in California alone and solve
>any future gasoline shortages. Unfortunately, the information given
>does not show any connection to Orgone Energy as it's source
>of power. Joe X may have info. that he has not shared, but what is
>shared shows a device that will convert any type of water into it's
>component parts - hydrogen and oxygen - regardless of the
>Orgone content of the water.