Re: Wanted : Otis Carr Info

Bill McMurtry ( )
Tue, 01 Sep 1998 15:37:00 +1000

Hi Jerry,

While attending the '94 Syposium on new energy in Denver I met and spoke
with a fellow who seemed to be fairly informed on Otis Carr. I can't
remember this fellows name - he had a table space in the demonstrations
room where he displayed a non-working original Keely machine and some other
stuff like the D.C. bearing motor. I brought up the subject of Carr while
chatting to him and he produced a folder with some great photographs of
Carr and his large scaucer constructions - this guy had info that I'de
never before seen. I asked him for copies but that never eventuated,
probably due to all the distractions of this event. He was a large man with
a beard, from memory, does that ring any bells? I've thought about this guy
from time to time - wish I could remember his name.

regards, Bill.