Re: acupuncture point devices.

Steve Meeker ( )
Mon, 31 Aug 1998 22:59:01 -0700

how m uch money do you have to spend? there are scads of these littering
the planet. the germans seem to be on the cutting edge of things. these
machines, now using pc's, start around 2K and go waaaaaay up from
there. every biomed tech has invented one. BTW most are illegal in rhe
US or in most states. Nevada is the choice if you want the wierd and
wonderful-or mexico. many many systems. some are good some arent.
Medical training a must [or aleast be a dropout] to understand the BS.
still have not made up my mind on these. some may be useful, but in
what sense i dont know. i dont think we have the technology down just
yet. there is no way to prove a lot of this stuff and scientific
studies are few and far and not very satisfying so far.
Don J. S, Adams - wrote:
> cool... I'd love to be kept updated on your findings and thoughts in
> this area....
> btw, I really think that transcutaneous galvanic skin measurements
> taken from the corresponding organ,systemic / accu-points would be
> a great way to go to get comprehensive diagnostic data, a.k.a.
> Harold Saxton Burr.... it would just be nice to see a low cost interface
> developed say for a standard PC and associated plug in hardware....

-- Steve Meeker, Dipl.Ac.,L.Ac.Hollywood Clinic1804 ne 25Portland, Oregon 97212503.281.3835board certified in Acupuncture[NCCA]board certified in Pain Management [AAPM]