Re: investing

Norman Wootan ( )
Sun, 30 Aug 1998 22:31:16 -0500

Hi! Jerry and Bill: Remember back when we were discussing how we could
the development of the "Clem" technology and I had proposed a side line
product that
was industrial in nature. Well I was surprised to read about the "ZPE"
vortex announcement for my side line product so happens to be a super
efficient method of compressing air or any other gas to as high as 35,000
PSI and just may in the process
be self perpetuating or O/U. Calculations support this idea but the proof
would be in building the prototype. The math is solid therefore I have
entertained the idea of starting
the patent application and start on the prototype as soon as funds are
available. I find it
interesting that "ZPE" is also talking about compression "Hmmmmm". Jerry,
if you will
remember back in the days of communications with "Robert Bailey" I was
the generation of electrical energy by capturing the charge available in the
phase change
of a liquid such as water. Remember that there is a tremendous amount of
at the phase change of water at the boiling point and also at the freezing
point. A vortex
as you know being implosive as shown by Schauberger and Walter Baumgartner
produce cold and can "flex" the water molecule above and below the freezing
very rapidly. Remember the blue/green corona that was produced at the
of the vortex flow. A perfect example of electrical charge generation is
found at the
London Polytech Museum in that of "Andersons Electrostatic Generator" which
captured the phase change energy of condensing wet steam in specially
nozzles. See, electrical energy can be generated at both the upper and
lower Phase
change points of any liquid or gas. Do you realize what you could do with
either air
or any gas or liquid at 35,000PSI?????? In volume to boot. Oh! by the way,
let anyone tell you that you can't extract hugh amounts of energy from
gravity. The
point that all have missed is "What form of gravity are speaking of". Chew
on this for
for a while. Bill, You sounded like you were interested in the
"Clem"development and suddenly you dropped it or didn't respond to my
proposal of a side product. Mike got
into trouble by proposing that we all display our wares and knowledge so we
work on it. "ZPE" is not the end of the "free energy" world for my idea
could be as
or better in the event that they are a no show at the end of the countdown.

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> Hi Bill et al!
> You make excellent points and I too have met intelligent 'moneyed'
> people whose incomes would be DRASTICALLY affected by a free energy
> technology shared with the world and some who would be affected
> significantly by even gravity control.
> But there is a path, that is phased implementation and I have no doubt
> once the secret is out and anyone can buy parts from a local electronics
> shop or assemble a simple mechanical arrangement (with or without
> magnets) to produce their own power or go flying around in an
> uncontrolled fashion, there will be immediate laws preventing or
> inhibiting use of such technologies.
> It will be interesting to see how people get around this, for my money,
> it is high time for a lot of changes, chief among them, the one law of
> personal responsibility for your own actions and let everyone be judged
> by that. But this isn't a political forum and there is no doubt we will
> see an immediate clampdown WHEN such technology is released if it can be
> deemed to be dangerous (and it will) or is flagrantly flaunted.
> What would be cool and very hard to achieve, is people build the f/e
> devices and simply phase them into use in their own homes over the next
> year. Power companies would notice a gradual reduction in use of their
> energy, but by then people would be using it and would fight for their
> INHERENT RIGHT to use natural forces for their own personal benefit.
> This should lead to the next logical step with regard to gravity
> control, saying if you can fly and choose to do so, you have that right,
> but if you do it in a controlled area where you must interact with other
> 'denizens' of society, you must play by their rules, flight controllers,
> etc...
> I say this because once we have the initial breakthrough either in
> gravity control OR free energy, we will soon have the other.
> You make two other comments which I really sympathize with;
> > Life is short and there is much to see and do.
> and
> > I expect nothing and hope to be surprised.
> Yes, live, love, enjoy while you can and don't get so fixated on all
> this mess as to let it ruin or obsess your life. As I get older, I look
> back at all the time and money I've spent, to what end? Not giving up,
> just time to make some serious changes to MAKE something happen.
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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