B K Wee ( bkwee@singnet.com.sg )
Sat, 22 Aug 1998 12:17:16 +0800 (SGT)

Dear Lars

- snip -

>Do you know of anyone that has photographed the chakras when
>you are dreaming (In the REM stage)?

PIP (Polycontrast Interface Photography)

There is a system which allows one to objectively see the energy patterns
around and within the specimen (human/plant, etc). It is called PIP
(Polycontrast Interface Photography) invented by British scientist Harry
Oldfield. Unlike Kirlian photography, PIP allows one to see these patterns
in real time (just like a video recording) without the use of any
artificial fields whatsoever. This system is different from so called 'aura
cameras'. The set-up is clean and straightforward. A video recorder
(which acts as the eye-piece; actual recording is not necessary) is
connected to a digitizer (this device converts the analog signals to
digital signals so that the computer can then 'understand' and process the
images) which in turn is connected to a computer (desktop or notebook).
The energy patterns are then seen on the monitor instantly. So the system
is essentially software driven. It is also possible for someone to send a
video footage and have that 'analyzed'.

The strength of this system lies in the filters (part of the programme)
that can be 'place over' an image. The infra-red camera is a good analogy
here. Normally we are not able to 'see' in the dark but with infra-red
lenses/cameras, we suddenly can 'see' in the dark. Essentially the filter
would filter out unwanted bits of information from the background and allow
other useful bits of information to be seen. Having said that it takes
time and research to come out with these special filters. So theoretically
it is totally possible to develop a filter for Vitamin C which then can
show us the amount of Vitamin C in a fruit or crop. Likewise, it is also
possible to develop a filter to measure the 'quality' of water (more on
water later). Then we can have some common ground to make meaningful
comparisons with say Pi water, Willard Water, Microwater, Grander Water,
etc systems. The problem with water is just that, the lack of some sort of
parameters to measure its quality.

We have the PIP system and have been using it for a few years now in our
physiotherapy clinic in Singapore. We use the PIP mainly to see the state
of balance (or imbalance) of the energy patterns for patients and also as a
record to chart the patients' progress (just like X-rays/blood pressure
readings, etc). The patient stands on a cork board, in front of a a white
even background with even lighting. Having done that we then use
Electro-Crystal Therapy to address areas of imbalance. Pre-selected
crystals are placed in a silicon tube filled with saline solution and
attached to a battery operated frequency generator. These silicon tubes are
then placed over patients body/chakra points. This form of therapy is
invented by Harry Oldfield and has been in use for over 20 years. (See
'Dark Side of the Brain' by Harry Oldfield published by Elements
Publishers, UK and a new book 'Harry Oldfield's Invisible Universe' by Jane
and Grant Solomon published by Thorsons/Harper Collins for people who want
for details)

Other published articles/interviews:

- Kindred Spirit Vol 1 No.10 email: kindred@spirit.co.uk
- Kindred Spirit Vol 3 No.9
- International Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Sept 1995
Tel 44-171-385-0012 Fax 44-171-385-4566
- Caduceus Issue 22 Dec 1993 email: caduceus@oryx.demon.co.uk

You can also check out the following for more information and sample
pictures (these pictures are stills and so do not provide as much
information as pictures seen in real time - it's like watching a video
movie versus a series of photographs):
www.sintercom.org/sp/interviews/ (Harry Oldfield in Singapore interview)

Harry provides training courses for therapist for PIP and Electro-Crystal
Therapy. The School of Electro-Crystal Therapy is at: 117 Long Drive,
South Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 0HL, ENGLAND. Tel/Fax 44-181-841-1716


It will be fruitful to compile a list of objective parameters to evaluate
the quality of water. Most people are not sensitive enough to feel or know
the difference and will require some sort of measurement or indicator(s).
Many researchers have focused their efforts on one or two parameters but I
feel a combination of various indicators will reveal to us a more
'complete' picture.
There are other techniques like dowsing/VEGA/EAV/BI-COM or radionics but I
find it interesting that when people in the 'subtle energy' business are
measuring 'subtle energies', they seem to adopt the view that 'more is
better'. So a water with a 'higher energy reading' is automatically assumed
to be better than one with a lower reading. It may be that the consumption
of such 'highly energized' may alleviate many symptoms of dis-ease in the
short term, I question the use of such waters in the long run. Are these
waters compatible to the human system for long term consumption? Are they
masking some other underlying fundamental problems? In any case the
following are some parameters I have compiled to date:

- zeta potential **
- surface tension
- UV emission lines
- pH
- level of structuredness/coherency
- oxygen levels
- conductivity (presence/absence of ionic minerals)

However many of us do not have access to the equipment to do the necessary
tests/research as the equipment is usually expensive and not so easy to

Other tests include drop water (after Schwenck), BEV (French hydrologist
Vincent's method). Functional tests such as the effects of water on plant
growth, etc are necessary but here again it is not helpful to say water
increases pant growth, softens water, etc (see many marketing literature on
the various water devices on the internet) because consumers still cannot
make use of the information given to make an informed decision. Different
plants are used, different sources of tap water is expected from different
countries and states, different crops are mentioned so really what is
needed is some sort of common platform ie we have to compare apples with
apples and not apples with pears! The PIP has a much needed role to play
here but I have not devoted time for research to develop the necessary
filters. Hopefully this article would generate some interest in fellow
therapists/researchers to look into this system. PIP has been around for
almost a decade now but there are very few practioners/researchers who use
or know of its existence so hopefully the internet will encourage
interested people to come forward.

** It is interesting to note that in the field of nutritional science,
colloidal minerals have to be used in extreme care as many of them have
high levels of heavy metals (eg aluminium/lead is present whether the
source is organic or not!) and they are not easily assimilated by the human
bodies. Many claims in sales literature simply do not stand up to close
scrutiny. (However they may be needed to hold the 'charge' or 'energy'?)
Read material by Dr Alex Schauss - someone very qualified in his field who
gives a much needed balanced and fair assessment on minerals. A scientific
lecture cassette recording by Dr Schauss is available from Resonance (order
tape at email: resonance@zen.co.uk) It may appear that ionic minerals are
more important for our health than the colloidal minerals.

I hope the above will facilitate your research efforts with chakras/astral
