Re:Anyone has Updates on S. Meyer,Newman...?

ryb ( )
Sat, 15 Aug 1998 14:52:32 -0400

> Anyone has any update on Stan Meyer's
> fractionned(!?) water plant ? I was under the impression that there
> were some kind of Web sites by his supporters...I know that he was
> ridiculed,accused of fraud,etc..But as some stated on this list-his
> patents are available-explaining his new"fuel process".How come no one
> has tried to do at least a computer simulation of it ?As his death is
> recent,docs about him are accessible in one form or another,etc..
> ]
> So,what do we have here? Another case of a lost technology and 50 yrs
> from now people lamented about how his genius went unrecognized at that
> time ?It is much easier NOW to collect infos about his 'fuel process'
> than it will be in the yar 2050 !
> Joseph Newman-are his motors in production yet ?I know that most pundits
> on the free energy list,vortex etc..did malign him in the past.Many of
> these arm chair university scientists too stupid to even read his book
> or do a prototype of his motor or even look at the web site of
> JNaudin(in France) that has made such a device and a working one too.
> In conclusion we need more sites like those of JNaudin...
> Yours,ryb....
> P.S. No,I am Not a scientist or would-be one nor a crack electronic
> hobbyist-just want to find useful products(health related and otherwise)
> and use them for my own benefit and if they work for me recommend them
> to others...
> Hower I do deplore that too many electronic hobbyists are more
> conservative than the university scientists that they daily denounce...!
> I confess that I do not undertand most of the free energy stuff but
> again fail to comprehend those who are in this field that keep throat
> cutting those that they disagree with.Unless you are new
> Galileo,Leonardo da Vinci,Einstein,etc..all into 1 person it is next to
> impossible to fully undeastand Tesla,Moray,Reich,etc...So why debase
> those that disagree with your personal views ?JNaudin is taking the
> right approach-constructing such devices(free energy and otherwise !?)as
> outlined by their inventors,patents and reporting his results on his web
> site..We need 10,50 such web sites...