Matthew Redmond ( (no email) )
Fri, 14 Aug 1998 22:14:39 +1200

"Everyone has the right to my opinion"

I'm not sure about anyone else here, but I wouldn't care if money and stock
markets crashed tomorrow...just so long as I've made a working free energy
machine by some time this evening :)

I'm in the business not for the money, but for the following reasons:
Electricty prices are too high

I can't stand being trapped in ground based transportation which also cost
too much to run

I love mysteries

There is nothing on television

I want to do something "adventurous"

I want to see and/or visit other planets


Coming from a farming background, I've been brought up with the notion that
if everything fell over tomorrow the industry bound to profit most is
farming (or so my father always said!) Just try eating money, or chewing on
a few coins. People move into the country forming new villages, bringing
people closer together and probably go back the batering system.

I just think that people better think about how good money will be if they
try to sell their free energy device, especially if the device is cheap and
simple to build. As soon as it got onto the market (IF it got onto the
market), some person would just open it up, see how it worked and just copy
it (or post plans). There are a lot more things I could mention but I want
to go to bed.

hmm...nope, can't think of anything else...shame...
