(no subject)

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
(no date)

>This field, Melissinos said, "was so high that the vacuum within the
experiment >spontaneously broke down, creating real particles of matter and

Many years ago, when the superconducting supercollider was still just a
proposal, someone wrote to one of the popular science magazines and
suggested that it was a bad idea because we might accidentally break through
into deSitter space, causing enough energy to pour into our universe to
vaporize everything within several tens of light years. Much more recently,
there has been a paper published hypothesizing that certain types of
supernovae are exactly that, done by alien civilizations.

--"Volleyball is racquetless team ping-pong played with an inflated balland an elevated net while standing on the table." --George Carlin