
Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 03 Aug 1998 01:12:09 -0500

Hi Folks!

I am concerned with people not reading or comprending the guidelines
before subscribing and then getting bent wanting changes after the fact.

When they REALIZE their EMAIL ADDRESS is posted with THEIR MESSAGES and
publicly archived, they try to make it look like it was my fault for not
sitting them down on my lap and reading it to them like children.

Or worse, having the impudence to imply that I had tried something
underhanded, never happened, they were just too eager to jump in. The
common disease of 'instant gratification' without any care for future

So, please refresh the following from the Guidelines (#1);

..All emails posted to the KeelyNet list are in the
public domain and free to repost, archive or otherwise

If you disagree with this, do not subscribe!

If you chose to subscribe, then you made a contract to follow those
guidelines by subscribing.

An email is not just the text but the person and address who wrote it.
The ONLY THING I OR YOU CAN DO is to unsubscribe to prevent further
AUTOMATICE additions to the archives. They won't be filtered or edited
once posted since all agreed that they would be 'in the public domain'.

Be AWARE of this, if you are not open to sharing information or have
issues with your address or name being posted in an archive, then I ask
you to unsubscribe NOW and don't come back to me later complaining that
you didn't KNOW.


Hey, its nothing personal. KeelyNet HAS ALWAYS promoted the free
exchange of information.

One option for those who can think ahead, if you want something shared
and don't want your email address attached to it, send it privately to
me at and if its relevant and useful, I'll post it

I ask that if you do choose to use this method of information sharing,
make it count, don't waste my time or the list subscribers who don't
have paranoia issues.

Like most people, I've got a lot of things going on in my life and don't
have time for games or people who can't comprehend what is going on.

So, please UNSUBSCRIBE/LEAVE NOW if you have problems with your posts
and address being archived for all to read. I'll make it easy for you;

I just want people to understand that this is KeelyNet, that
automatically implies free open information sharing, if you aren't at
that level yet, fine, don't participate, but I hope you are as we all
need to concentrate our efforts and abilities on helping to resolve some
of these questions to effect some quantum leaps in technology and

If you choose to go now, sorry to see it but good luck in your travels
just the same.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187