ryb ( ashita@supernet.ca )
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 16:54:00 -0400

I am beginning to wonder if we are being deluded in regards to Tesal

So far nobody has been able to exactly duplicate what he did in his msot
exotic experiments-his infamous car,transmissions of energy,healing
,death rays,etc...

Tesla was recognized as being a showmanship ( a lot of Barnum and Baily
in him,perhaps ?)

Now Tesla did have problems with the infamous Edisons,J.P. Morgan
that swindled him of his monetary inventions as goes Tesla apolegetics..

Read that he once said that he saw his plans like a sort of film(or
virtual screen nowadays) on a wall and implemented them in practice-so
he had no time for elaborate plans ?

Publications about conspiracies about in secret governments,global
elites,etc..Yet names of people that let to Tesla's downfall are
mentionned-like the Rockfellers,Edisons,J.P.

What is less known is that well known scientists were befriended by the
eltites or rich and famous at that time..names like Albert
Einstein,Bertrand Russel,James Cook,Oppenheimer,etc..These persons seem
to have come unto knowledge that was a real revolution and changed way
we now see things and shape of events..

Freemasons seem to be prevalent..Now visionnaries,seers of by-gome ages
like Leonardo da Vinci,Christopher Columbus did posses knowlege that no
others HAd before them and yet thes epeole were related to secret
societies in their time..

So,did Tesla belong to a Freemason group or other secret society ?It
could explain his sudden discoveries and also his downfall as he did not
tow the line and he talked to much..


P.S. I do not think that we can discount the influence of secret
societies nor their hidden knowledge..To find out more you can visit the
following site at:


Also some free energy researchers could be in cahoot with the Global
elite as being stooges to thwart efforts of the real researchers..I do
think that there is MORE than the "me secret inventor syndrome"...Joe
Newman's efforts might be a case in point here..he seemed to have had
more than his share of problems yet fellow energy researchers continue
to vilify him..And I think we better find out while we still have
time..and a free internet...