High Voltage Accumulation (was Re: Time Travel again)

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 23:27:22 -0600

Hi David et al!

Thanks for the additional information about what method you are using.
Is it an aerial tap which I understand can accumulate high voltages but
little current, though it will give a decent crackle every so often.

You wrote;
> Fair enough, I have made part of the device that Nikola Tesla used
> to run his car. I have made the wave guide/ antenna. Tesla used a
> box filled with electrical components to increase the current of
> the electricity from the wave guide. However, many applications
> can be run by this electricity by simply transforming it in to a
> lower voltage with higher current.
> Jerry Gallimore had much to say about this electricity in his third
> "Handbook of Unusual Energies'. The problem is that air is a terrible
> conductor of electricity, so even though it produces in excess of one
> thousand volts of electricity the current is too small to run most
> machinary. This energy is terribly easy to attract, but there is a
> problem in that the current is so small.
> Jerry Gallimore used it to power a 4,000 volt motor at about 100 RPM.
> Tesla's first antenna was a simple sheet of copper that he left out
> in the sun. This gave him similar results, except that he did not use
> a radio active collector like Jerry Gallimore did later. Jerry
> Gallimore suggested that a stronger current could be produced by
> making a different kind of antenna. Nikola Tesla used the same kind
> of antenna ("candle stick') that Jerry used except that he had
> increased the current with a mess of electronic parts in a huge box.
> The motor that he used in his car was not very efficient, and if I
> can figure out how they rewound that 1 horse power motor at
> http://www.ucsofa.com/videos.htm to run on a 9 volt battery, I
> should have little trouble in making one and power a car with it, or
> in generating house hold electricity by connecting it to a generator.
> I hope that this clarifies some of what I said and I will keep you
> informed of any progress that is made (although it is being made very
> slowly). Thank you all for your helpful suggestions for transforming
> this energy into a higher current form. I am of course trying to
> improve the designs that Tesla and Gallimore used.
> Best Regards, - David

What puzzled me was the 12cps..is that due to some oscillator or
periodic spark gap?? I can see 1000 volts from an aerial tap, and have
heard reports of up to 3000 volts.

A friend told me he knew a lady (here we go with weirdness) who once
lived in Sao Paulo, Brazil in a high rise apartment owned by her father.
The family lived in the penthouse on the top and did not pay any
electric bills. She told my friend that every few days, if it had not
rained, her father would tell her or one of her siblings to go down to
the ground level and water the cable.

Seems the father had a large antenna on the top of the penthouse and a
long, well insulated wire that ran down the side of the building and
deep into the ground.

Apparently they were accumulating their power between the aerial high
voltage and the deep earth ground, with sufficient success to power
their dwelling.

When the ground became too dry, the conduction wasn't as high as it
should be so with water added to the ground, it would restore full
power. I'd imagine salt the ground and that would help too...

I always thought the story quite interesting as there are numerous
reports of thick copper buss bars vaporizing in an instant when
connected to long insulated wires run down the side of mountains and
connecting to a grounded earth wire.

Don Smith in Spring, Texas, though he's a nice guy and makes some
radically high power claims that don't pan out in reality, does have an
intriguing chart that he showed at the 1994 Tesla conference.

It was a topographical altitude chart from the USGS and showed all the
mapped elevations for a given area. Low lying levels were red and as
the elevation increased, the colors changed according to the spectrum so
that violet was at the highest areas.

I thought this was great way to map potential power tapping sites, that
is having an antenna on top of the highest point, with a high voltage
insulated cable running down from the highest point to the lowest and
connecting BETWEEN A LOAD to a very deep ground spike.

There is no error in the basic idea and the power could well charge a
battery network or huge capacitors which could be used to supply useful
loads at no cost beyond the orginal installation and maintenance.

The Prentice patent uses a similar principle with an insulated cable
spread over one mile, and secured on one end with a deep ground spike
connected through a load to the cable which is kick started on the other
end by a high voltage generator...once power was flowing in the wire,
the generator line was quickly switched to another deep ground
spike...the idea and claim being that earth currents would now be sucked
in to sustain the load by the 'circuit'. Here is the Prentice


You referred to a 4,000 volt motor...Professor Jefimenko is probably the
best known modern expert on electrostatic motors, some with fairly high
torque and/or speeds. I don't have a copy of the book but it is
available and gives construction details for various motors. Benjamin
Franklin also experimented with electrostatic motors and I'll bet
Lindsay Books might have something with those kind of experiments, not
to mention back issues of Scientific American.

I don't recall the Tesla car experiment having a true aerial though
there was a copper rod or something of that nature...the files we have
are posted at;


Well, that' enough for now...glad to hear you are doing experiments that
seem to be generating something...I wouldn't have a problem with an
antenna on my house that pulled in power for the house. After all,
Moray did it with very long wire antennas stretched outside his house,
Hubbard had a tuned device, Hendershott had a tuned device, Perrigo used
a criss cross of wire IN HIS HOUSE to generate power and of course,
Marinus' favorite - Chauncey Britten with his bent tube...lots of
precendent and where there is smoke, there is usually more smoke...<g>..

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com         http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187