Re: 40% Overunity??

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 16:12:33 -0800 (PST)

Hi Dusty, Ken et al!

Hate to bring this up, but that's precisely the point Tom Bearden was
making several years ago with his 'Final Secret to Free Energy'. That
potential was the key, not current.

My understanding of it was when energy is evoked in a conductor,
potential moves from the center radially to the surface....on reaching
the surface, it does a right angle turn and converts to current.

The trick was to evoke the production of potential and shut it off
from the power supply before it went perpendicular to produce the
current which we all know only flows on the surface of conductive

The whole thing, as I understand it involves some magical production
of energy as in current from large volumes of potential.

This was to operate like a bucket brigade where the potential was
evoked, then captured, then dissipated into a load, then the conductor
was again connected to the power supply for the next packet of
potential (pure voltage).

Bearden said if you switched the power supply fast enough in and out
of the load, you could milk out all kinds of free power without
damaging (as in a battery with chemical corruption of the plates) or
draining of the power supply.

---Dusty Rhodes wrote:
> Hi there Ken, Neighbors,
> Sounds to me like you hit the nail on the head as far as the voltage
without the
> current. That's what he had to be doing to get the resultant 'cold'
power. Once he
> choked off the current on one of these extremely fast rising pulses,
the potential
> voltage would continue on the external of the conductor of course!
And the motor
> doesn't care that current is not actually flowing as long as there
is a potential
> difference between the poles in the motor.
> Power that powers without actually going anywhere. Too cool. And I
bet that Tesla
> has been jumping down in his grave trying to get everybody to look.
> Dusty
> Kenneth Carrigan wrote:
> > Jer et all..
> > Very interesting but nothing new... What I am interesting in is
> > virtual particles and extracting them! This is what Telsa was
> > on.. at least what I think he was trying to do. It takes an
impulse or Dirac
> > pulse to shake some of them loose. Semiconductors can not 'slew'
> > fast enough and/or do not posses characteristics which requires very
> > high potential to shake them loose. What is desired is a filter
> > electrons can not pass but virtual particles could. Potential
without current!
> > The higher the potential or E-field (with very high impedance) the
> > carriers or virtual particles present, and with Hiesenbergs
> > principle.. the E=MC^2 conversions take place as electrons exchange
> > photons. Any object with electric charge is surrounded be a swarm
> > photons.. which have energy. These photons on occassion can
> > into virtual pairs.. Hiesenberg...and when Dirac pulses are
present.. these
> > charged negative/positive virtual particles may break appart..
where the
> > positive particle (positron) is attracted to the electron and the
> > virtual antiparticle .. just maybe what is sent down the
conductor.. where
> > Telsa noted certain types of characteristics.. like heat, pain,
force... and
> > other properties like lighting bulbs which are thought to be short
> >
> > Not sure.. but just a thought. You could almost call this Telsa
> > "negative" energy cause if it is virtual negative antiparticles...
It certaintly
> > would exhibit different properties, not like an electron which
would be
> > much much heavier. Hey.. Just a though! Got my attention for sure!
> >
> > v/r Ken Carrigan
> >
> > >Hi Ken et al!
> > >
> > >Ok, I'll bite...check this animation showing the fields produced
> > >a point charge and it ties into the Lorentz contraction;
> > >
> > >
> > >=========================
> > >Dirac delta function having unbounded height and zero width;
> > >
> > >
> > >=========================
> > >Electron as a cloud rather than a point charge;
> > >
> > >
> > >=========================
> > >Interesting URL on electromagnetic waves showing it is the electric
> > >field we most commonly use;
> > >
> > >
> > >=========================
> > >---Kenneth Carrigan wrote:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> >Hi Ken et al!
> > >> >
> > >> >I was puzzled by your use of the term DIAC or DIRAC.
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> YES!! I typo'd it wrong.. I meant Dirac! Thanks! Laplace
> > >> transforms, fourier series, etc.. Dirac.
> > >>
> > >> Impulse symbol... it is a intense unit-area pulse so brief
> > >> that measuring equipment of a given resolving power
> > >> is unable to distinguish between them and even briefer
> > >> pulses. The important part or attribute is the integration
> > >> or integral... Heaviside used it extensively... but Dirac
> > >> introduced it from quantum machanics and caught on.
> > >> The underlying concept permeates physics!! Point masses,
> > >> point charges, point sources, concentrated forces, line
> > >> sources, surface charges, and lots more! LOL... Of course
> > >> all these thing do NOT exist! Or .. we have not seen them
> > >> exist YET! <g>
> > >>
> > >> The concept value stems from the fact that the impulse
> > >> response - the effect associated with the impulse (point
> > >> mass.. point charges..) maybe indistingusihable from the
> > >> response due to a psychical realizable pulse.
> > >>
> > >> For sure the answers are close... this Pulse answers LOTS
> > >> of questions associated with Bio energies, from our bodies
> > >> emissions to emissivity to correcting auros... healing our
> > >> Also. Telsa noted Force, pain, heat was an outcome of this
> > >> Arc or impulse... LOTS to look at here....
> > >>
> > >> To say the least... I am thrilled to no end! Finally..
somewhere to
> > >> look for answers that Physics can address also.
> > >>
> > >> v/r Ken Carrigan
> > >>
> > >
> > >_________________________________________________________
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> > >
> > >
> >
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