Mr.Thumpy and the Bowling Ball Device
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 17:39:14 -0700

Hello everyone, I remembered reading about the Thumper coils at
Keelynet. I didn't think a whole lot about them until I saw the huge
transfromer sitting on my floor. I removed this transformer from a old
mircowave and I wondered if it could be used as a power source for a
thumper coil. I think it puts out about 10 000 volts. I don't know for
sure however. I am thinking of attaching a cord to the input wires and
plugging it in to wall current. A switch would be put on the cord so it
could easily be turned off. A big electromagnet will be attached to the
output leads. The device will be insulated very well to avoid
electrocution. The massive power should produce a massive magnetic
field. The transformer weights probably more than 7 pounds.
I am wondering if someone who has built a thumper coil could advise me
on a few things.
1)Is it okay to use AC current? The field will go N to S 60 times/second
2)Does the device need to be pulsed for it to work, or can it be left on
for say like 10 seconds or so at a time?
3)Will it kick a breaker or something with my setup?
4)Has this device really helped cure cancer?
I'd appericate anyone's input on this as I think this would make a very
intersting side project to my Hamel research.
Speaking of Hamel's work has anyone tryed to build, or have any
information on Hamel weight into speed (Bowling ball machine) devices as
seen on Page 84 in his book? This has been my area of focus lately, but
their is nothing on the internet about it. I think everyone got so
caught up in the magnetic devcies nobody even thought about the
mechincal ones. I belive we need to get a mechincal device working
before we go to the magnetic. As Hamel himself said "You must learn to
crawl before you can walk".
-Justin Szymanek