Re: gas from coal

Theo Paijmans ( )
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 22:44:17 -0800

Hi jerry!

Great that you found the link concering Dellschau. Isn't it fascinating
to see how the mainstream press finally picks up on something that you
and Keelynet have been devoted to for all these years? Perhaps there's
still hope:-)

Yes, I've often wondered about those strange reports on flying men.
Obviously, they still continue to these days. For the benefit of those
interested, let me post some of my thoughts on this fascinating subject.

a)Clearly, not all of those reports treat the same phenomenon. Some
might be paranormal events (here I mean the Russian accounts of flying
men), while others might be accounts of actual events. Other reports
might be in fact codes, or hoaxes.

b)among those being `codes' (for want of a better word), I would like to
point that one of the first (if not the first) accounts of a flying man
was published in 1880 in the New York Times. The only ancestor of such a
strange report is to be found in Bulwer-Lytton's `The Coming Race', that
strange novella of Vril, the primal force. In that book. Bulwer-Lytton
describes how the Vril-Ya - the underground race that is able to use the
vril force - use wings to fly, with the help of vril. What then is the
meaning of this 1880 New York Times report? A possible code, or hint, or
hoax, modelled after Bulwer-Lytton's highly influential novel? Who can


Theo Paijmans