Re: gas from coal

Theo Paijmans ( )
Sun, 10 Jan 1999 14:23:25 -0800

Hi Jerry and all,

Unfortunately the link to the Dellshau article is saved on my other pc;
which is currently undergoing repairs (the blessings of Windows 98, I
suppose)as soon as I have access to that info again, I'll post the link
to the Dellschau article.

It's a strange story and it is only too bad that Navarro had to sell
Dellschau's scrapbooks which were then taken apart by an art gallery,
and the pages sold separately. Nowadays, Dellschau's work is rapidly
gaining in value: unscrupulous money men tear his books apart just for
money's sake and the real treasure - that of the secrets of the Sonora
Aero Club - may never be solved.


Theo Paijmans