Not Sure

Phil Suvakov ( (no email) )
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 18:25:51 +1100

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To all,
I am a programer from Australia and have recently become interested =
in Zero piont energy or free energy.=20
A few years ago while at University I met a middle aged man who =
claimed to be an inventor. He also claimed that he could produce an =
energy source from water which was not Hydrogen. He claimed he could =
actually run his car on it. I dissmised him as a crazy old man.
However recently I watched a program on energy and perhaps he was =
not so crazy after all.=20
What I am asking is. Are there any reports of or any information =
relating to energy from water. Any answers to this would be greatly =
I have enjoyed greatly reading some of the disscusions on keelynet. =
keep up the good work.

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    I=20am a programer from Australia and have recently become interested in =Zero piont=20energy or free energy.
    A=20few years ago while at University I met a middle aged man who claimed to =be an=20inventor. He also claimed that he could produce an energy source from =water=20which was not Hydrogen. He claimed he could actually run his car on it. =I=20dissmised him as a crazy old man.
   =20However recently I watched a program on energy and perhaps he was not so =crazy=20after all.
   =20What I am asking is. Are there any reports of or any information =relating to=20energy from water. Any answers to this would be greatly=20appreciated.
    I=20have enjoyed greatly reading some of the disscusions on keelynet. keep =up the=20good work.
          &nbs=p;            =;    =20Phil.