Re: The problem

Tue, 05 Jan 1999 21:33:46 -0500

John Berry wrote:
> If you haven't noticed email lists are not helping all that much to get
> results in free energy or antigravity and such.
> So I sent an email asking how many people are really serious and can do
> more than just talk but willing to put there money and work into this,
> And willing to work in some form of group rather than only as
> individuals, We all have individual research going on and that's good,
> But we have been going on without any real for of truly organized effort
> for well over one hundred years, people who don't learn from the past
> are doomed to repeat it, well we aren't learning that well are we?
> We are all interested in this subject but how many are actually willing
> to do anything useful? Well out of this list I got 5 responses!
> I will further add Marinus Berghuis (who really started this subject)
> Jerry Decker (who has attempted to do this before) and me which means
> that only 8 people want to really do something?
> Well I hope that there are more serious people on this list but there is
> indeed only that few who bothered to actually group together on the
> weight of an email who were willing to respond to the idea based on it's
> merits despite who comes up with the idea, We have gone the individual
> road for a long long time, lets try a little organization on the side
> and see what we can really do.
> This is a very sad situation indeed, Maybe we need a list for serious
> people who want to do more than just talk, people willing to make this
> thing happen with action.
> I have dedicated my whole life to this field and dream I thought we all
> shared, I also thought that many of you have had dedicated a fair bit of
> your time to the same, If this is the case then we are not doing all
> that good.
> So please don't respond if your not willing to really put money (at
> least $100 US) or time or work and sacrifice to reach our collective
> dream, How many of you will respond seriously this time?
> If you are willing to join a group and invest anything REAL into it and
> are willing to put effort into our dream then please respond with the
> name of this as yet hypothetical "Unified Research Foundation of
> Alternative Physics" in the subject line to me ( and
> I'll see if there are more than 8 perhaps people willing to put
> something real into a joint effort to make this happen.
> John Berry
I am sure there is a lot o research going on among many of the
list members. Each has our pet projects that we will share if
and when we are successful. It is expensive and time consuming
work. Many are not comfortable with physics projects they do not
understand and feel the money will do more good under their control.
Large orgs no longer offer samples or cooperate like they used to.
Most won't even sell one or two items, but require quantities that
you can't use. I am sure there is a large underground of OU going
on in garages and basements. The list is performing a much greater
service than might br apparent on the surface. Most of us realize
the sense of urgency because of Y2K. If we don't come up with some
thing, we'll be pedling bicycles connected to generators
Don't despair,
Ron Brennen

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