Electronic Telepathy

donadams ( donadams@telusplanet.net )
Sat, 18 Jul 1998 16:49:14 -0500

Sorry folks, I realized my previous post was way to verbose....
here is the point I was trying to make... forgive me please in advance
if I've caused anyone discomfort..... I should have just sent this one
out the first time.....

What if, there was a way to connect neurophone circuity directly to the
plasma Rife generator so that
the current thoughts and experiences of a given individual could be
received, stored and then transmitted
directly to the brain of another? A scenario could be in a classroom
setting where in a professor is
talking about a complex theory and is busily scrawling notes on the
chalkboard...as he is engaged in the actual process of teaching he is
actually moment by moment visualizing in his head the concepts he is
talking about... he understands their meaning on a much higher level
than his students do and as each moment passes in time he may be drawing
multiple relationships between what he actually says to other related
concepts inside his head, each thought he has could be actually
represented by a specific signal or collection of signals and he is
actually transmitting these thoughts on multiple levels.... on the
simpler level he is broadcasting his thoughts through the primitive
transmitter of acoustics, his voice, but all the other thoughts and
understandings and awareness inside his head is being ambiently, subtly
transmitted electrically inside and outside his body.... what if this
could be picked up and then redirected so that the thoughts he was
having was being directly experienced? This could be the ULTIMATE
learning tool, there would be no room for error as the 'eavesdropper'
would be experiencing exactly what the professor was experiencing and
might even derive the benefit of 'locked' memories occuring
instanaeously? All that would be required, I think, is to have the NP
(neurophone) configured in a manner similiar to the Japanese
configuration, so that it could receive through the air the ambient
signals produced by a distant mind,
these signals are then interpreted and stored through some sort of
technology similiar to Bob's 'God Box'
technology, then the signals are sent through the Bare-Rife Plasma
generator so that the RF band contains
the information signal and the acoustic and plasma wave act as the
carrier.... heck you could maybe even
have the professors thoughts stored to CD and then just pop it in and
lie down on your bed or couch
and soak the information in as the waves propogate through the air.
Please note, this is all conjecture,
and in no way do I profess to have any specialized or even academic
knowledge of any of this... in fact
I'm completely aware that every thing I've just said probably sounds
silly, outlandish, un-informed and
pedestrian. I am a computer guy not an electronics guru and I make most
of my living from doing fairly bland electronic documentation, technical
writing and simple programming. But I am a very curious person
and I love to play with different ideas and technologies... I love to
tinker and am often working on projects
that frankly, I may not know very much about. If any of this was of
interst to you I would love to hear
any of your thoughts on it? Eager to learn and understand, I remain....

your correspondent in Canada,

Don J.S. Adams