Capacitance Theory of Gravity

Charles Wilde ( )
Wed, 3 Jun 1998 11:58:22 -0700

Has anyone here reviewed the work of Morton F. Spears? He wrote a
couple of books explaining the "Capacitance Theory of Gravity". The
theory states that gravity is not a separate or fundamental force, but
rather an artifact of the much stronger electrostatic force. The theory
explains both qualitatively and quantitatively, that the gravity
phenomenon is an artifact or side effect of the electrostatic force.
That gravity stems from rotating electrically charged bi-poles (e.g.
electron/proton) which act upon other rotating bi-poles to effect
mutually attracting forces. The range of force intensities can be
quantized down to a single pole (of a bi-pole) acting on another single
particle (usually one pole of another bi-pole), up to and beyond
clusters of galaxies acting on each other

His books, written in the style of an introductory college physics text,
go through some simple to reproduce experiments to explain the theory in
qualitative terms, then he uses the known electrostatic constants and
equations to derive the gravitational constant in terms of electric
circuits in space. The theory goes on to explain the apparently
non-shieldable properties of gravity, the curving of gravity in space,
the gravity-acceleration mass equivalence principle, and other
idiosyncrasies of gravity in terms of electric circuits in space.
Fascinating stuff.

The theory seems to go along way to explain "electro-gravitics", and
probably should get a closer look.

The books and paper are:

"CTG Capacitance Theory of Gravity" 1991, ISBN
"CTG Capacitance Theory of Gravity - Book II" 1993, ISBN 0-9629933-1-X
"An Electrostatic Solution for the Gravity Force and the Value of G"
unpublished research paper (January 9, 1997)

The books plus the research paper are available at nominal cost from:

Morton F. Spears
P.O. Box 466
Cataumet, MA 02534

Mr. Spears is an MIT electronics engineering graduate, and founded an
R&D consulting firm specializing ELF/VLF/LF antennas and receivers.


Charles Wilde

Aton International, Inc.