On 'Infiltration' of Academe

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 03 Jun 1998 12:09:42 -0500

Hi Folks!

This was in response to an interesting post about getting students
involved in alt science to shake up academe;
About the university infiltration. I personally don't get involved in
any organized methods like that, having found it more productive to just
post the info and let it stand by itself...those who CAN see, WILL see,
all others just blow it off as flaky, half-baked, errors or scams.

KeelyNet was intended to collect, share and CORRELATE information,
looking for common observations and phenomena from many disparate
reports....from that comes an idea of what kind of experiment might lead
to duplication of some of the phenomena....that idea remains today which
is why there are so many diverse files, some outright strange, some very
detailed, but all fit within a framework that indicates that aether can
be collimated or translated by phase conjugate techniques to produce
energy, control/cancel gravity, manifest or dissociate matter, alter
living tissue including rejuvenation.

So, preaching and infiltration aren't ways I would personally choose to
try to manifest change, preferring instead to tease and provoke current
thinking...two of the most powerful arguments I have found are;

1) there is perpetual motion by virtue of planets orbiting the
sun and by virtue of all electrons rotating around a nucleus,
it then becomes a matter for one or more clever people to
determine how to tap this force either from a macro to a mini
stage or a micro to mini stage, i.e. scaling DOWN from planetary
levels or scaling UP from atomic levels, so that we could TAP
these natural forces to produce all the free power we need, it
would appear that the aphorism 'as above, so below', is
much more true than we ever suspected...to duplicate nature is
what we need to do. I think EVERYTHING, energy and mass are
direct results of wave interactions. Just phase two frequencies
against each other on an oscope and you will see the truth
of it...also check out Hans Jenny on cymatics...

2) there is no such thing as a CLOSED SYSTEM because energy
CAN and DOES penetrate the experiment in the form of aether
influx or if they have a problem with that, then use GRAVITY.
The question then becomes how to tap into this gravital flow
to produce energy, in a way that is not dependent on weight but
a DIRECT CONVERSION as Townsend Brown claimed with his
GRAVITATORS....lead oxide, bismuth, antimony, all have
peculiar reactions to gravity.

So, the ideas are simple, the basic theory is simple, the proofs are not
yet here and won't be until many recognize the need and are willing to
suppoort the basic non-academic research that will first qualify, then
quantify just how to interact with aether, from that will come basic
simple phenomena that can be scaled up for effects on useful scales.

Over the past 30 years, especially the last 12 where I've been public
and the past 10 where KeelyNet has been public, I have had the privilege
of communicating with many young people who now are engineers or in a
science profession...some send emails saying they are either in school,
about to graduate or are working in the field and saying they were
inspired to study engineering by reading KeelyNet files lo those many
years ago...quite a hoot to read that...they want to use their technical
knowledge to try to figure out how to make real, working devices that
will alter our society and world like nothing else to date, in a
positive way.

Just a matter of time, so just plug along, study, share, discuss,
experiment where you can, that's what I do and what I recommend that
others do. The breakthroughs won't be from big think tank oriented
companies (unless they 'borrow' from us - us being everyone who freely
discusses and shares their information)...always interesting to see the
sci-fi movies that come out on subjects we talked about a year or so
ago....changes, gradual and inevitable...seeya!

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   jdecker@keelynet.com          http://keelynet.com   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501             ICQ # - 13175100   /   AOL - Keelyman   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187