Re: Virtual Sandtable

Hexslinger ( )
Tue, 19 May 1998 23:05:53 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 19 May 1998, Mathias wrote:

> I think this is a briliant idea (although my knowledge to get there is
> rather scant). I'd love to know more about the applications you have in
> mind.
> This remindes me (less then more related to the subject) of a fellow
> Doug Ruby
> (, thank
> to Art Bell) who decifered crop circles by spinning the motifs on a
> table. He thinks that they are a scale model of a spacecraft.

Wow, two 'conspiracies' on the same list - this must be karmic.
I bring this up merely because the other night there was a show aired on a
local NBC station which was debunked many conspiracies - the first being
the 'psychic healing' process (which I related to the fakir situation
related earlier) and now 'crop circles'.

The crop circles themselves can be whatever you wish them to be -- go
nuts. Do fractal patterns, or whatever suits your fancy. (Frankly I've
been thinking about creating a giant grey alien face in some fields nearby
with a caption "we are watching" - but I think that might be pushing
credibility a bit. Heheheh) Anyway, the process is rather simple. All you
need is a getaway car, a few hours (4 to 6 hours, depending upon the scale
of the project - and the number of people (which in the example case was
like three or four guys) involved), some planks of wood, and some rope.

Essentially what you do is drill holes in each end of the plank, run the
rope thru it, and walk into the fields along the lines cut through the
fields by farmers (disguising your initial point of entry) -- find a good
starting point, and take the plank you built and hold onto the ropes like
reigns on a sleigh and then use your foot on the plank to push down the
vegetation. It should lay down nicely and flat. The pattern and texture of
the vegetation when it is laid flat will varry depending upon the amount
of force you exert, and the size of your plank. With several people doing
this, you can easily create LARGE designs in the fields within a few
hours. Footprints will be disguised by the vegetation as it is pressed
down (although if you were TRULY paranoid, I suppose you could put planks
on your feet as well - ha!) - and any footprints appearing in the lines
used by farmers will simply be attributed to the farmers themselves or to
idiots coming by to gawk at the design.

So there you have it. Now you know how to make your very our
conspiratorial k-k00l alien sign in wheat fields. So put this knowledge to
good use: go out into a wheat field and write "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING",
"KEELY WAS RIGHT!", "TESLA LIVES!", or some other witty politicial
commentary. :)

Have fun.