Re: Binn PPM in England?

Bill McMurtry ( )
Sun, 17 May 1998 19:56:01 +1000

Hi Roger,

As a terminal Bessler junkie I find this more than fascinating. Was there a
picture with this report? Fingers crossed this one does'nt fizzle (the
odds, historically, 'aint good).


At 18:58 15/05/98 +0930, you wrote:
>G'day all,
> It's not looking so rosy now regarding Tony Binns invention, but I
>thought you may be interested to see how it was reported in the regular
>press in Adelaide, South Australia, via The Advertiser newspaper May 13
>Quote. Heading. "Inventor's 'gravity wheel' may revolutionise future
>of the world"
> "London: A lone British inventor may have cracked the age-old secret
>of perpetual motion.
>Tony Binns' discovery- described as "a bigger invention than the wheel"-
>could produce limitless free power and make Star Trek- style space journeys
>a reality.
> It could also make a billionaire out of the 34-year-old bachelor.
>The dream of keeping a machine moving forever, without outside power, dates
>from the 13th century.
> Now, dramatic confirmation that it could become a reality, and the
>biggest breakthrough in scientific history, has come from Britain's Defence
>Evaluation and Research Agency, a government body.
> The agency said its experts had spent five months investigating a
>"gravity wheel' device produced by Mr. Binns, a self-employed electronics
>engineer. They found that "in theory" his wheel could spin forever.
> It generated "inherent torque", meaning that instead of slowing
>down it picked up speed, with no assistance from any fuel.
> Such a sensational discovery could produce electricity for
> It would mean road and rail vehicles being able to speed along on
>air and make voyages to the depths of the universe a possibility.
> His device is a prototype wheel 1m in diameter Daily Mail Pic
>End Quote
>After John Collins latest email it kind of makes me wonder where the press
>actually got the story from. .....Perhaps Tony Binns?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jerry W. Decker <>
>To: <>
>Cc: <>
><> <>
>Date: Friday, May 15, 1998 8:02 AM
>Subject: Re: Binn PPM in England?
>>Hi Folks!
>>This just came in from John Collins on the Binn claims;
>>Sorry mate, there may be a problem. I thought the guy had a working
>>model, now it seems he only sent full diagrams and a paper explaining
>>the physics to the Defence Agency, but no actual working model. He
>>spoke to a friend of mine who is planning to make a film on my own ideas
>>and who wished to include him in it. She reckoned that he was ok at
>>first until she pinned him down about a working model. Then he went on
>>the defensive and said he couldn't afford to build a model and anyway
>>only NASA had the facilities.
>>She asked him why NASA and he explained that there was a comet heading
>>towards earth and that his machine was the only one which could prevent
>>a crash!!!
>>I'm real sorry Jerry, maybe the guy is genuine, I don't know, but I'll
>>keep you informed
>>John Collins
>>Author of 'Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved?' - for more
>>information and details on ordering visit my web site at
>> Jerry W. Decker /
>> / "From an Art to a Science"
>> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
>> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187