Ray Tomes ( )
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 09:35:18 GMT

On Sun, 19 Apr 1998, Bill Perry <> wrote:

>Was just reading in "Astronomy" magazine I picked up at the newsstand.
>It was talking about collision threats, (i.e. Comets, Meteors,
>Asteroids). As was thinking. If we strategically positioned Hodawanec's
>"Gravity" sensors around the globe, wouldn't we actually have earlier
>warning about this impending doom based on the increased gravitational
>signature (due to the sensitivity of these detectors) coming from any
>certain direction? All these sensors could feed their signals to some
>master computer which would be able to provide the direction and
>velocity (which if I am not mistaken could be found indirectly by the
>strength of the gravitational flux). Earlier detection, more time to do
>something about it.

Well, comets and meteors are very low mass compared to planets, but who
knows. With the help of Alastair Couper (see his pages at I have put
together one of these and hooked it to my computer with a home made AD
converter - sometimes it even works! The plan is to have a number of
people around the world with similar devives and to make synchronised
recordings and see what happens - perhaps we can make a directional
receiver in this way.

-- Ray Tomes -- --
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