Re: Biasing Events??

Doug Renner ( )
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 03:24:47 -0500

> > I think this all means that our minds are doing things on a level
> > that is beyond what we percieve to be "reality".

Jerry W. Decker wrote:

> There are some cultures who believe we consist of many bodies and that
> our consciousness merely slides into each of the bodies which operate in
> other realms/dimensions....sleep is one, alpha is another, time (future,
> past, present) is another, death yet another. I think this is so.

> Check out the triple bodies in Huna (amakua, unihipili and can't
> remember the 3rd) and the Egyptian Ka and Ba as starters.

Yes yes..Also known as the Astral Body and the Spirit Body.

Even among Judeo-Christian scholars there can be found both dichotomists and
trichotomists. A trichotomist recognizes two non-material components of a
human being, in addition to his physical body. These are the "animal soul"
(also called the psyche) and the immortal soul.

The extremely robust esoteric system left by G.I. Gurdjieff in our own
century describes many of these "higher bodies" in much greater detail, with
practical instruction on how to develop them. This is shocking and life
transforming material, the most powerful I have encountered.

> One of the most interesting theories I've heard about remote viewing,
> which is claimed to transcend time and space. is that the entire DYNAMIC

Yes check out PEAR lab. (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research
laboratory) for some rigorously proven examples of remote viewing and
telekinetic effects. Much of this material has been published in the book,
"Margins of Reality" by Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne. I recommend this
book. Robert Jahn is now the Dean of the Princeton School of Engineering.
This research has been active for over a decade, and they have never been
debunked. This highly visible research has survived all scrutiny.

> universe resides within our minds....and that by focusing consciousness
> on it, you can will systematic resolution to watch anything that has
> ever been, IS or will be (the farther into the future you try to look,
> the fuzzier it gets because of all the possible timelines).

Yes, Yes!!Basically, all of our present understanding of time as a dimension
is wrong. It is an illusion, like an artifact of the brain's memory.
Perhaps this illusion evolved because it is a very materially useful one.
But it is an illusion nonetheless, and this fact can be perceived in certain
spiritual states of total self awareness.

Here is a contemplative question which I pose, based on one of my own
experiences of this 'simultaneity'.

"When has anyone ever observed, that there has ever been any more than
exactly ONE moment?"

Doug Renner