Re: MAGNETISM - ala Dotto

Roger Natanaelsson ( )
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 21:58:16 +0200

Dave wrote:
> As you can see, asking the question, "What is magnetism?" is a subject
> that requires much more study.

Gianni Dotto have made some distinctions about magnetism:

No. 1 - PERMANENT MAGNET. If we try to magnetize a bar of copper, we
will never succeed because in the copper the outer orbit of the
electrons increases in the kinetic energy without shifting electrons
from one orbit to another. The same effect we will obtain if we try to
magnetize a bar of nickel.Now let's take a copper-nickel alloy, such as
alnickel, and expose it to the EMF of a high inductive coil.
The directional spinning of the electrons orbit in the nickel does not
change, but the orbital spinning of the electrons in the copper reverses
its direction. Result: Any atom of nickel. strongly attracts an atom of
copper, creating a bipole. The energy summation of all bipoles combined
creates one of the strongest permanent magnets on the market - alnickel
V. Every permanent magnet then must be composed of at least two
different atoms, one of which is willing to change the orbital spinning
direction of the electrons. This type of permanent magnet is not
recommended for,any therapeutic purpose for the human body.

No. 2 - ELECTROMAGNET. This type of magnetic field obeys the third
Newtonian law of motion (to every action there is always an equal and
opposite reaction).If an iron bar is inserted in the center of an
inductive coil, every electron traveling along the coil wire forces one
electron in the iron bar to travel in the opposite direction. This type
of magnetic field is not recommended for any therapeutic purposes. On
the contrary, it has been proved to be detrimental even in mice tests.
Electrons flowing along the magnetic coil will shift electrons from one
part of the body to another. In this process RNA type viruses of
negative polarity will be shifted from diseased cells to healthy cells
in the same fashion as the electrons. Furthermore, the shifting of
electrons deprives the healthy cells ot the energy necessary to support
life and will produce severe side effects of dizziness that will last
for several days there after.

No. 3 - ELECTROSTATIC attraction. When we rub a bar of hard rubber or a
bar of amber one acquires electrons in excess and the other loses
electrons from the outer shell orbit. Consequently, one will attract
particles rich in electrons, the other will attract particles poor of
electrons. This type of magnetic attraction is not recommended because
this one will weaken the energy of cells, the other increase the
negative potential of the skin of the cancer cell, thus facilitating the
growth of the cancer.

No.4 - THERMOMAGNETIC field.The thermomagnetic field is the product of
the Thompson-Peltier effects combined, known in physics as the Seebeck
effect.The thermomagnetic field is responsible for the general
gravitation system: heat (sun) attracts cool (planet) and vice versa.
This type of magnetic field is the only type of energy proven to be
beneficial to animals and humans. Since humans for millions of years
have lived in this constant magnetic or gravitational field, the body
has become very sensitive to any variation.

Why is magnet by thermo different from magnet by electricity,
is the flow different- what flow ?