Re: GeoBond

Mathias ( )
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 16:12:03 -0800

Jerry, you wrote:

> material can be molded or shaped into any form. He also said the lady
> refused to patent it, preferring to keep its formulation proprietary.
> When exposed to a cutting torch, he said you could place your finger
> within a half inch of the torch point and feel no heat. The material was
> totally fireproof.
> A test was made of two small toolshed type buildings, one construced of
> wood, the other of GeoBond....wood was piled near the buildings,
> saturated with kerosene and set afire.....within a short period, the wood
> shed was completely burned down, the GeoBond building had only soot
> marks, no damage.
> The idea being this would make homes not just fire resistant but
> completely fireproof....from what I heard, the components of the material
> are not toxic so this GeoBond could be a great safety material.
Three years ago Iwas in contact with the Aquarian Agency who had
developped a product called Aquastone. The material is made of gypsum
based wastes from oil/fertilizer/metalurgic industries. The fabrication
process removes taxicity. Aquastone was claimed to be light,
nonshrinking, highly insulating, fire resistant, fast setting
(underwater and elsewher), moldable into anything, cheap, and resistant
to acids. They are building a site:
The fabrication process is a spin off Viktor Schauberger studies and
devices (implosive technologies).