Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 02:37:05 -0600

Hi John!

Regarding my preference for the term FREE energy as opposed to the more
politically term of NEW energy.
Yes, I know Hal Fox, Gene Mallove, Tom Bearden, Moray King, Ken Shoulders
and a host of other key players in the 'new energy' movement, and
technically it is better received.

When I decided originally to use the term FREE energy it was because
KeelyNet is looking for exactly that, not renewable resources as thought of
generally, but entirely different approaches, such as ZPE/aether/gravity

I have had this term discussion with many others and never been convinced
that using New Energy would be something that I want KeelyNet to be known

For those whose minds are so closed or limited to NOT being able to see
where 'free' energy would come from, I don't want their attention anyway.

I realize the 'March for Peaeful Energy' is directly for renewable energy
and I see it as a springboard for all kinds of other NEW energy sources,
but my interest is specifically FREE energy. Quite different and quite
specific from the generic term.

KeelyNet has been around and promoting free energy, gravity control and
electronic health since 1988. well before the 'public version of the
InterNet'. Do a search on Keelynet and see what comes up.

I never really cared about convincing EVERYONE, they aren't worth the
trouble, I instead wanted only the real people, not those seeking to be
politically correct or looking for cheap entertainment....lots of sandboxes
in the world to play in so those who can't or won't see it should move on
to their own level.

If you read electronics magaines, you will find one which often 'targets'
KeelyNet as a favorite targets...<g>...but the writer is a good guy and we
communicte often. He's just like many of us, he wants to see free energy,
but will need a working machine that he can test as he points
out, he makes his LIVING from being politically correct in the electronics when he does mention anything avant garde, he MUST refute it
using accepted arguments against it.

People have a hard time 'believing' in aether. They also limit themselves
with the idea that there could EVER be a closed system. As I understand
this, a closed system is impossible, since aether and gravity permeate
EVERYTHING, adding their energy to the supposedly closed system.

Our issue is with how to 'translate' this inflow/permeation of outside
energy to a form we can use, whether mechanical or electromagnetic.

My associates and contacts fully recognize this as the SOURCE for our
so-called free energy. We also realize that planets and atoms rotate using
FREE energy. It is simply a matter of learning how to copy and USE such
forces to produce free energy.

So, bottomline, I fully support renewable energy, but I will see FREE
energy in my lifetime that will ECLIPSE all forms of renewable energy as
currently understood.