Re: MRA/No self running devices?

Bob Aldrich ( )
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 00:31:52 -0800

Mathias wrote:
> Jerry W. Decker wrote:
> > Now, let's all be honest here. If a device is TRUE over-unity, would it
> > not be able to power ITSELF as well as to drive a load??
> >
> > The MRA could not do that, nor has anything else I've seen or heard of for
> > lo these many years.

The Papp engine is definately self-running and definately overunity,
from a reliable witness I know who's seen it run. It's main problem was
and is that it produces TOO much power, tends to self destruct.

Trouble is, it's proprietary. But half the answers are in the patent.

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles