Re: Info Wanted on Rory Johnson Motor.

Dr Jones ( )
Tue, 3 Mar 1998 19:37:10 +1300

At 18:46 3/03/98 +0500, you wrote:
>RE: Rory Johnson Magnetic Motor.
>Has anyone built, seen or know of the Rory Johnson Magnetic Motor?
>If you have, does it produce the spoken results of Horsey Power output?
>From what I have heard, Rory's partner has one working model (but wants a
million bucks for it). I got this info from Bruce Meland
( Bruce did a special report on it last year.

>From further info, it needs deuterium mixed with soemthing else to work,
uses magnetic bubbles, is quite small and is DAMN powerful. It also breaks
several well known laws of science in its operation. Zenergy did a review of
it and Orlinski's (sp?) report (about 30KB) is floating about on the Net

There may have been a patent taken out on this, I don't know.
>Correspondance will be appreciated!