Re: Something you should really examine.

Dr Jones ( )
Sun, 1 Mar 1998 20:52:25 +1300

At 22:15 28/02/98 -0800, you wrote:

>But my point here is that there are indications that before the flood
>the sky was blue at night, there were no stars visible.
>All this information to me has resulted in my assumption that someone
>upstairs (did you think we were alone?) got a bit tight in the budget
>and couldn't afford to keep all that water hanging around up there in
>the skies and had to let it fall down. Why was it even there? Because

Actually, Velikovsky was proficient at reading Sumerian texts and correctly
predicted that Venus was unique in the solar system in that it travelled (or
rotated) in a different direction to all the other planets. He also said
that Venus would be as hot as hell (Einstein said otherwise) He said that
there was heaps of untranslated sumerian tablets that had all this and more
recorded. I think that his theory stated that Mars swept past the Earth,
triggering all this flood stuff off. He also upset peers with outrageous
theories about Jupiter and Venus and has still not been proven wrong. Most
research was carried out of cultures 1500BC to 800BC.

Here's another thing he noted - massive 700 year cycles (there arte also 60
year cycles, mainly economic, and 500 year cycles, mainly social
communication cycles - dark ages, printing press, Internet). The 700 year
cycles go from Christianity, to Islam, 14th century was comprised of the
black death and the 100 years war wqhich wasted the populations of Europe...

And guess where the 60, 500 and 700 year cycles all fall???????


Most of this info came from Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries.

If I may make a suggestion, could anyone posting anything or following up
PLEASE post references? Most of the list has been ok, however references to
follow up something interesting would make the list far more valuable.

>while it was there, we COULDN'T SEE STARS. And if we couldn't see stars,
>we couldn't see WHERE WE HAD COME FROM, wouldn't be reminded of our
>past, and we wouldn't try to get the hell out of here!

Just trying to remember from the Bible, plants were created before stars.
But that was no problem 'cause all they need is light. And light was first
on the scene. But I like that idea. Im gonna follow that up.

>(several more paragraphs snipped here, but saved for the really curious)

Yeah, Im really curious.
>All for now,
>Bob Aldrich
>Los Angeles