Re: Something you should really examine.

Bob Aldrich ( )
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 22:15:51 -0800

CJT Enterprises one wrote:
> Hi All,
> About that experiment with the copperhead snakes....a friend of mine
> heard of a scientist doing that type of research who when giving a
> lecture a nurse stood up and told a story about a man who committed
> suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning. He was declared brain dead at the
> hospital so they decided to harvest his organs. First they erected a
> barrier around him and pumped with alot of oxygen to purify the organs.
> Three days later this man gets up and walks out with NO brain damage.
> This same scientist says he has recreated the atmosphere of the
> Pre-Flood Earth in a chamber. Inside the chamber light can be "heard".
> A different note for different lights. And a snake and mouse ate grass

Hi All,

Several years ago I saw a video about the flood on the public
information channel here in Los Angeles (KCET channel 28) and the video
showed that there were "Van Allen Belts" of water outside of the
atmosphere, and for some reason they came down. They also showed in the
video the earth being all wooded land, with no oceans prior to the
flood. This info was communicated as being validated by geological
records. The video said that when the rains came down in the great
flood, a planet-wide half-mile thick cavern layer nine miles down
ruptured. It contained saline water, which cracked through the crust all
around the earth within a few minutes. It ruptured down to the nine-mile
layer, and the crust was peeled back like one does an overripe peach,
creating oceans and mountain ranges next to the coastlines. (wrinkled

This was the great flood. Now, there is other information that has come
across on KeelyNet by Jerry that indicates that people lived longer in
those days before the flood. Considering that those belts of water were
up there, it could be due to less ultraviolet, if you were to ask me.
Also there is information passed down in the Vedic scriptures from
40,000 years ago that "Things are getting worse now, because people are
beginning to eat.". Also there are hints in Yoga that one could live on
Prana alone. But I'll leave that one alone. Suffice it to say that
things may have been very different then on Earth. After all, if each
generation says of the next one that it is much worse than the one
before, how far can we descend in 40,000 years? I very rarely saw a
chain link fence when I was a child, except possibly around military
installations and such. But I don't actually recall seeing them then.
Now they are everywhere.

But my point here is that there are indications that before the flood
the sky was blue at night, there were no stars visible.

All this information to me has resulted in my assumption that someone
upstairs (did you think we were alone?) got a bit tight in the budget
and couldn't afford to keep all that water hanging around up there in
the skies and had to let it fall down. Why was it even there? Because
while it was there, we COULDN'T SEE STARS. And if we couldn't see stars,
we couldn't see WHERE WE HAD COME FROM, wouldn't be reminded of our
past, and we wouldn't try to get the hell out of here!

(several more paragraphs snipped here, but saved for the really curious)

All for now,

Bob Aldrich
Los Angeles