Draft Concept (Hartman Tube Disc Pulse Engine)

James Hartman ( jameshartman@tsrcom.com )
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 00:46:36 -0500

>Subject: Draft Concept (Hartman Tube/Disc Pulse Engine)
>Figure #1
> .____________ Keep-Alive Voltage (-) w/Cathode cavity tuning
>GAS |
>TUBE |-----|
> |---->| | |
> --------|-------- <---- Metal Disc extends outside tube.
> | | |
> | --- <---- May be use in conjuction with an Electron Gun
> | <----- Spark Gap Pulsed
> | / \ |
>--------------------------- <---- Accelerater Grid
> | |
> | |
> ----|----

Perhaps, someone can turn this into a working device. I have been stumped as
to how to continue this idea Since I have no tube building experiance.