A water arc is based on the work of Peter Graneau and Richard
Hull....about a year ago, the Electric Spacecraft Journal (ESJ) published
an excellent and highly detailed article on the subject...and a couple of
months ago on the Learning Channel, Graneau and Hull demonstrated a few
drops of water, placed in a column and hit with a very high voltage, high
current discharge.
The water was ejected with a velocity estimated at 3,000 miles per
second...a water railgun if you will.....
This sounds SO much like the Dr. X experiment using the Keely frequency.
BTW, tonite I was told the late Marcel Vogel had said he was told that
water could be disrupted at 454 cycles per second...just an afterthought
that might be useful.
-- Jerry W. Decker / jdecker@keelynet.com http://keelynet.com / "From an Art to a Science" Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501 KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187