Re: Re : Telomere Melodies?

Edward Kauffmann ( (no email) )
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 14:52:38 -0500

Hi Jerry,

> Some simply fear death...I don't, it's simply going to the next stage or
> so I think....the only way to know is to do it...<g>....however, as long

Or you could go out of your body and find out. <g> But seriously, I used
to think OBEs were a nutty thing, but I had an experience that changed
that. I've noticed there seem to be relationships to the discussions of
vibration/resonance in matter. I've heard of people being out of there
body and directing some of their energy to someone to heal them. If
vibrational (or specifically frequency) energy can heal like this, then
this could tie in with the discussion about virtual healing.

Any thoughts on this??
