Re: PoP

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 10:28:35 -0800

Hi Mike et al!

You wrote;
> we certainly share your frustrations about hunting for free energy
> devices and then being let down or downright conned by so many...

Yes, I am of the opinion that DePalmas claims were probably bogus because
nothing ever came out of it in the form of anything anyone could buy.

Despite Don Lancaster blasting homopolar generators, I think there is
something to it because I admire Tewari and believe him. It would be
great to travel over to India and check out his experiments...he was
claiming an AC version that I've not heard about in a couple of years.

Depalma apparently didn't have it, otherwise why couldn't others
duplicate it.....

Isn't it interesting how the devices must be so complex or expensive to
make? I've always been fascinated as to WHAT the inventor initially
discovered that led to the complex must have been a simple
effect that anyone could verify as a desktop PoP.

This was the case with EV Gray...after years of having his patent and
having read it several times, I just didn't get looked so
flippin complex....

Then, Dan Davidson let me photocopy some of his research papers for his
'Breakthrough to Free Energy' book and an article by Tom Valentine
described the basic Gray experiment, using a high voltage capacitor
charged up, then discharged into a coil sitting on a table...on top of
that coil was a magnet.....when the high voltage magnetic spike was
emitted from the coil, it threw the magnet to the
ceiling.....Shazam...just that simple, a TRUE PoP....proved the effect,
now its just a matter of scaling it up to use it....which the inventor
will do to make a sellable device that will do REAL WORK and that the
market will buy.

Gray is not technically free energy, though I've read that many thought
EV Gray had the closest thing yet....with the proper engine
configuration, it would take less power to throw these magnets than what
was produced by a turning camshaft attached to the cylinders.

So, K.I.S.S.....look for the basic effects....that's all we need to be
able to prove the claim for ourselves...the sooner we DEMAND this, the
sooner we'll be able to buy our own working F/E generator...

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187