Re: PoP

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 09:56:43 -0800

Hi Bill!

You wrote something very profound IMHO;
> I for one would kill (maybe not kill) to not have to replicate some
> bogus device just to test a claim. Why continually reinvent a F%!#*D
> wheel? Time is short. A little coordination would save us,
> collectively, lifetimes of waisted effort.

This is what these claimants do, they USE others to do their R&D FOR

Make the 'announcement', dribble some information, tease along a few
people who really get suckered in, urge them to do the tests and monitor
what they find, suck in and use their results or LACK thereof...kind of
like Clintons group using public opinion polls to guide their next
step.....result he has a 79% popularity rating, highest its ever

Why? Because they know how to 'rub and tug' public opinion....

Note: Public opinion is but the average stupidity of mankind....

We ARE mavericks and tend to follow our own paths and to hell with
everyone else.

The devil IS in the details, and its much easier to take this distant,
smeared view where everything blends into a general mishmash of
claims...when it comes time for nuts and bolts, they simply don't
deliver. The Bette Midler song, 'From a Distance' says it best, where
from a distance, the world is a beautiful place, with everyone loving
each other and all is hunkydory.....but as you get closer you start
noticing the rifts and strains in the world that aren't visible UNTIL you
start getting serious.....

So, love and light, airy fairy, woofy science and claims


Real Hardware, devices WE ALL can USE everyday to make our lives better.

Beef, where's the beef....if claimants can't or WON'T produce proof, then
they should go away....I am on a mission.....<g>......

--                Jerry W. Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187