Re: Slow Storage/Fast Drain

Dr Jones ( )
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 18:08:18 +1300

At 22:43 9/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Dr. Jones!
>You wrote;
>> Like tidal power stations?....
>Are these actually in use somewhere in the US? I seem to remember
>something about this being used in Hawaii. The idea of wave power has
>always been intriguing, basically the up and down motion to produce a
>pumping action.

I dont think so. Mainly Europe, Netherlands. UK has one too.

Its not wave power, that was covered by some guy called Salter, who tapped
wave power. It consisted of little ducks floating on the seas. Gyroscopes
were involved to ensure consistent power production. I have a reference of
pop sci 3-77.
>I have a friend who is a private detective...he reports being on an
>island during the Korean war......they needed a power source, so someone
>came up with this long lever, attached to a float that picked up the wave
>motion....I don't recall if they were compressing air or ratcheting for
>a mechanical motion...unfortunately, he is in very bad health and I hear
>is not doing so well...haven't spoken directly with him in about 14
>months or so now...he always had lots of interesting stories from his
>younger days.

Ya, these old fellas are a great source of stories. But check out this
little patent number:


Its well worth your time.

> Jerry W. Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187