Re: Slow Storage/Fast Drain

Dr Jones ( )
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 17:29:12 +1300

At 19:49 9/02/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Folks!
>Interesting email relating to a slow water storage system, followed by a
>fast gravity driven dump, check this out;
>> I wonder if you have ever heard of a pump storage project? My Dad and
>> Uncle worked on in Back Creek Virginia. I think it was called Bath
>> County pump storage project. The way it was said to work that it
>> had two pools of water one up high one lower. There was a series of
>> tunnels built side by side, Huge!! In these tunnels were the generator
>> turbines. The way it was said to work was to turn on the water at peak
>> power consumption hours. And then slowly pump the water back up to the
>> top pool during the off hours.

Like tidal power stations? When linked, these stations at low national power
usage pump seawater into estuaries to store, then releases the water during
peak times. this averages the power usage over an entire day and means the
power generated over time is constant, not fluctating.

Also with the pools, they can generate extra electricity because of a
constant supply of rainwater stored for usage.