Re: Weight Loss

Bill McMurtry ( )
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 22:46:23 +1000

At 03:07 28/01/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Bill!
>Bill wrote;
>> ...<snip>...On a set of scales the weight of the spinning mass system
>> can be made to reduce OR increase.
>You bring up three good points, specifically;
> windage - the effect air would have where the thing acted like a fan,
> blowing air down or up (measure both ways to get a +/- number)
> twisting of a fabric string (switch to monofilament fishing line)
> creep of possible linear friction or jitter that could distort the
> measurement (should average out in a slow scale response)
>Hi Jerry!!
My experience with the Laithwaite lift demonstration using, amongst other
things, a bicycle wheel spun up to a goodly rpm on the end of a 3 foot long
pole provided forces strongly felt. These gyroscopic forces were definately
not the result of air blowing up or down, nor were they vibrational in any
way. Try it.
