Re: Bifilar ressonance

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 20:29:55 -0800

Hi Bob!

You wrote;
> I just want to clarify something for everyone else on an earlier note
> that was posted. Regarding the Hamel flying device (not the desk
> toy). His arrangements of magnets DO NOT ROTATE! They "wobble" in
> place, thereby effecting a rotating magnetic compression field. My
> best picture is of a coin thrown onto a table as it "wobbles" on its
> edge before it settles down. The coin is not necessarily rotating.

Great point and one which Pierre also clarified for me. I was puzzled
about the original drum experiment, thinking it was rotating, Pierre said
it DID NOT rotate, but that the magnets, floating on each others fields,
would always be seeking a point of equilibrium, so you get this unending
and rapidly changing rippling as they all try to balance themselves. It
can never happen.

Interestingly enough, I think the very fluctuations of gravity might be
an additional factor in this attempt at achieving balance.

That was of course what Hamel was trying to figure out with the Hamel
Spinner, yet which was misconstrued and erroneously reported as
overunity....that was never claimed at KeelyNet...someone just read more
into than there was, and that 'want to believe' syndrome kicked
in...<g> is a cool experiment though.

The latest from Bedini on the spinner mod is the idea of using a very
slight cavity in which the ball spins. In 'normal' operation, the ball
will spin for a time, then slow down to nearly stop, a slight motion of
the hand and it spins again....the idea of the slight cavity, is that the
ball tends to spin outward, so if the top cylinder magnet, that is doing
the repelling is FIXED, then the ball will ride up on the slight
depression/cavity and gravity will cause it to roll back down, thus
automatically resetting the ball to spin again...nothing useful here but
just to show that it can be made to spin continuously, yet do no useful
work in the spinner configuration. Check out; for one configuration

You also wrote;
> Hey Jerry, maybe this is an idea. What about putting up a "Glossary"
> file with some of the less obvious terms that are being thrown around?
> Obviously it will start small, but as notes are posted, and you notice
> odd terms (although likely understood by yourself and some others),
> then they can be added to the glossary.

Not a bad idea, kind of a 'Alternative Science Terms' FAQ....that could
be a lot of work....

--                Jerry W. Decker   /    /  "From an Art to a Science"       Voice : (214) 324-8741    /   FAX :  (214) 324-8741   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187