Re: Where's the Beef? Or Bacon?

Bruce A. Perreault ( (no email) )
Sun, 25 Jan 1998 10:36:24 -0500

Alan Schneider wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Jan 1998 05:26:05 -0800, "Jerry W. Decker" <>
> wrote:
> _>Hi Chris!
> _>Chris wrote;
> _>> There is more than enough info out there to build all types
> _>> of free-energy devices.
> If only 'twere so. Maybe it is, there's just so much chaff to
> winnow through to find the odd kernel of worthwhile fact.

Perreault writes:

There will be real soon. :-)

> _>I would like to believe this, but the reality does not support it, else
> _>we would be able to buy a working device.
> Jerry, don't sell the do-it-yourselfer's short. Buy OR build <grin>.

Perreault writes:

They will be who will get a "free energy" devices out in the open.

> _>If I missed the release of this working device and the resulting 'feeding
> _>frenzy' of the world news on this amazing discovery, please point me to
> _>where I can buy one. I'm not being facetious here, just that its still
> _>all claims until we each can buy one to USE.

Perreault writes:

Look what happened with the "cold fusion" fiasco! Look what happened
with my
chlorine-tube prototype. Do we want a "feeding frenzy" at this stage of
game? It is good that I have lost credibility with the world. Are you
that there were several government agents at the conferences that I have
attended. If you do not believe me just ask Dr. Paul Brown. They have
me alone so far because, as Dr. Brown put it, "they do not think that
have anything." This is good...we will take them by surprise!

> _>Chris also wrote;
> _>> Bruce provides a device that anyone can build and anyone who signs
> _>> his form has access to build.
> _>Ok, so does build = works when built?
> Hear hear! Also what are we getting ourselves into by signing up. Are
> we committing ourselves to thousands of dollars to set up an experiment
> which may not work anyway? I think Monsieur Perreault is playing things
> a little TOO close to his chest.

Perreault writes:

Everything should cost under $200. If you are already an electronics
buff then
you probably have all of the parts hanging around your work bench. The
component that is unique is the Moray type valve. I will provide a pair
of these
FREE of charge to team members. All others will have to pay $30. for

The composition will be kept a trade-secret of Nu Energy Horizons.
This will insure that nobody takes the technology and runs off with it.
Team members that can muster the ride will become "diamond"
A "down-line" will be developed. We will hit the market hard once a
is ready for public consumption. This will be world-wide and will take
a life of it's own...

> _>My concern is buying into claims, a disease we all tend to suffer from
> _>aperiodically, I try to not adopt a doubting Thomas role, but damn, how
> _>many of these claims must we continue to read and even allow ourselves to
> _>get sucked into.
> And the reason we're vulnerable to this "disease" is because we all really,
> really need and want a workable and easily reproduceable F/E O/U device.
> _>The bottomline WAS, IS and forever will be; Does it work? Followed by,
> _>where can I buy one.
> (or find out where to get the parts and how to build one!!!!!!!)

Perreault writes:

I tried to develop the chlorine prototype into a kit concept and failed
and my credibility has suffered since throughout the FE circles. This is
probably a blessing. I will not make the same mistake twice. Any "kit"
building with be done by program members. This is my Research team. It
the old Edison priciple made manifest today...

> _>All else is just smoke and mirrors.
> Otherwise known as vaporware!

Perreault writes:

Look where "vaporware" is today. :-)

> _>That bottomline is the reality check that will force proof to be given,
> _>otherwise clearly state this is my theory, my concept, my idea, my
> _>hypothesis, etc....but NEVER my CLAIM that it WORKS unless the device can
> _>be bought for use.
> Again, or BUILT <grin>.
> Okay, who's the wise guy who stopped payment on my reality check!
> The bottom bottom line is, regrettably, that any device which delivers
> "free" energy efficiently and at low cost is going to threaten some
> horrifically powerful vested interests who will stop at nothing to
> preserve their power, prestige and profits. They will employ ridicule,
> misinformation, blackmail, promise of great riches, legislation or, if
> all else fails, lethal force.
> IOW the only way to successfully develop and get into use a free energy
> device/system (and survive the experience!) is to disseminate the data
> on how to reproduce it as far as possible as fast as possible, beyond
> any possible hope of recall or suppression. And then duck fast! This is
> where the Internet comes into the equation. To get the data out there
> and spread right across the planet where it can be USED to benefit the
> human race and can no longer be suppressed.

Perreault writes:
