Re: The Gravitational Spider Effect

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 22 Apr 1999 03:36:45 -0500

Hi Folks!

I was checking out some info on the net and found this on a page called
'Weird but True' while looking for 'how to charge superconductors';

"The Pioneer Anomaly - to make the speed and trajectory of the Pioneer
10 and 11 spacecraft fit the data John (Anderson) had to assume a force
that is slowing them down as they leave the solar system; and unlike
gravity this mystery force does not diminish with distance; it exerts a
constant force but it does not exist in any physics that we know. (john
anderson, jpl)"

I went to the JPL sight but couldn't find anything as the search engine
would not respond. Something else interesting on the expansion of the

The universal repellent force;

and the new links page attached to the spider section;

(check out the Mossbauer effect graphic...totally cool!)

With regard to all the above and taking into consideration the Mossbauer
effect, energy transfers from one isolated high potential source, which
take place when the 'dielectric' breaks down by resonant coupling
THROUGH the Parr/Davidson gravitational conduit, the energy passes from
the high potential emitter, through the conduit, into the target...

Scenario I
The target, normally sucking in aether/zpe at its normal rate is now
pumped up with a lot of energy, faster than it can natrually radiate, so
it explodes.

Scenario II
The target, normally sucking in aether/zpe at its normal rate is now
pumped up with more energy than it normally can handle, BUT NOT ENOUGH
TO CAUSE IT TO the excess energy IS EMITTED so that the
target now becomes a RADIATION SOURCE......what was a well, is now a

Scenario III
If the target is a big block of granite, then, according to Ivanov, the
gravitational spider that exists in all mass to cause 'weight', flips
over and now DEFLECTS waves from other masses, causing the mass to lose
weight and even to rise into the air.

Scenario IV
If the target is a big block of granite AND if it is being held down by
the pushing forces from space of the aether/zpe influx then the
RADIATING mass will again DEFLECT the incoming aether, also reducing the
weight of the mass, even to the point of making it ascend.

Is it inertial cycloid motion to produce a unidirectional vector that
pushes against the mass of the test object?

Is it vortex motion, in one direction that focuses aether/zpe influx, in
the other it dissipates or deflects that influx?

Is it an increase in amplitude of the test mass frequency to expand the
natural mass resonance amplitude so that it overwhelms and pushes back
other mass oscillations that are distorting the test mass oscillations?

Is it caused by the flipping of spider so that the vortex or cycloid
focus is not deflecting?

Like the 3 stooges said in one of their video clips....closer and
closer, step by step....I'm gonna getcha!

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187