The Gravitational Spider Effect

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 23:21:30 -0500

Hi Folks!

I have to publicly thank Frank Hartman for providing me with a URL that
brings up Russian research into English. I have a copy of the paper
which this URL describes courtesy of Dr. Frolov in Russia and he
received permission from Dr. Ivanov for me to post it at KeelyNet sans
the equations. To that end, I've been trying to get the document online
as in my opinion, it offers some critical insights into wave
interference phenomena. I am so excited to finally see this paper
online!! It is a superb paper!

Hoping that Frank could find some software that would allow projection
of interference patterns in the form of Moire diagrams, I wanted to be
able to project two or more waves and to so adjust their physical
distance as to duplicate what Dr. Ivanov describes in his paper. The
Russian website has the very paper I was wanting to duplicate so that
saves me a lot of time and effort...thanks Frank!

The Russian search engine for documents is;

The paper describes how wave interference occurring as ripples from
vibrating masses produces gravity and other phenomena. It also claims
to show how an vertical interferometer will show that the Lorentz
transformation is incorrect as we currently understand it...please read
the paper and cut it some slack as the Russian to English isn't perfect
but it should get the point across, that by controlling the relationship
of interferring waves, we can control the flow of gravity in that mass,
for starters...<g>..Dr. Ivanovs paper on; =

Standing Wave Compression and Transformation of Physical Dimensions

is located at;

I've changed a bit of the following quotes to make them clearer, but you
can read the original from the above URL...I suggest you save it as I
will in case that site goes away in future;

=93Why, in the case of action of a force, is a body accelerating and
deforming at the same time? =

Why, however, while its free falling in vacuum, does acceleration exist,
but deformation does not? =

Does it mean that, while falling with acceleration, the well known force
called gravitation is absent? - inasmuch as there is not a
deformation!=94 Many investigators of gravitation asked themselves this

=2E.Investigation of the third state of rest as being achieved in
accelerated self-motion, allows us to suppose that there is not a
gravity force present, as such, in Nature, but there are conditions,
where, having got to those conditions, a body goes into state of
auto-arrhythmia. =

If auto-arrhythmia is actually the reason why bodies fall feely to the
Earth, then the direction of the falling prompts us to note that in the
vicinity of the surface, the frequencies from the multitude of
oscillating bodies must be somewhat less than at greater heights above
the earth. =

If we reject the existing interpretation of the Messbauer effect, whose
premise is obviously in error in the opinion of the author, Dr. Ivanove,
then in order to verify and accept a better explanation, experiments
have been carried out, the results of which actually proves the
existence of dependency of frequency states of a body based on its
height over the Earth surface. =

In this sense, the Messbauer effect can serve as a litmus paper for the
rhythmic state of substance in space near to the Earth.

Does it mean that proximity to the Earth will influence the natural
frequency of bodily oscillators? It looks like that! The nearer the
oscillator is to the surface, the stronger something affects it and
decreases its frequency. =

The logical reason being that previously coherent oscillators, being at
different distances from the Earth, begin to vibrate at different
frequencies? (this sounds like a refractory index effect..Jerry)

But, then the frequency difference arising between them unavoidably
causes their own interference field to move. =

As a result of such motion, distortion occurs in the mass interference
field as a result of a difference of wave pressure inside the system,
which vector is directed to the center of the Earth. (in what we call

The simple explanation for the REASON of gravitation, we propose, does
not contradict common sense, but, on the contrary, reveals the mechanism
making bodies to strive for each other. It is interesting, that one of
holy books, the Koran, interprets attraction between planets as pushing
them to each other, but more about that a bit later. (push gravity

If gravitation is not a force in and of itself, but arises from
arrhythmia conditions, then what is the physics of processes instigating
bodies to phase-frequency destabilization? This question was studied
with a particular carefulness, and the answer was found:

The totality of irradiations of the Earth body creates in its
environment a background of wave pulsations. The density of these
pulsations is proportional to the number of oscillators, i.e. to the
mass, and decreases with distance. =

An outside body, having got into the background environment, experiences
its influence which is expressed in tightening (changing) frequencies of
oscillators of the body. =

The more dense the wave background, the greater frequency tightening
and, hence, provided that distances between oscillators exist, produces
an increasing frequency gradient - arrhythmia - is unavoidable. (a
conflict of frequencies causing distortions in the mass interference

Now, while talking about gravitation, it should be understood, that the
force of attraction, as such, does not exist, but there is a background
of wave pulsations, that we intend to call the 'Rhythmo-dynamic
Eenvironment of our planet.' =

It is the wave background that creates THE ILLUSION of gravity force
through the creation of arrhythmia in an object; resulting in a gradient
change of rhythms in the body which unavoidably leads to change in its
dynamics. =

A body, experiencing influence of the rhythmodynamic field, has to deal
not with a force from the outside, but with THE NATURAL PUSHING of
itself into an area of lower rhythms. And it is not our fault that it
all happen precisely this way. =

When an interference pattern is created to affect the flow of energy
currents in the background wavefield gravitation was obtained for the
first time. It was then that an idea appeared: =

Why does a spider settle down in its web exactly like in the
interference pattern model obtained? I had not a shadow of doubt, that
in Nature, it must be precisely this way. =

We found that this coincidence was proved - that a spider settles itself
in web always head down, if the web is vertical, of course. =

However, in this connection, another question arose: =

Why does a spider shape have such a likeness with the interference
pattern? Why it is the spider shape and not other beings?

With time, an answer was found, but the most interesting thing was
waiting us ahead: Why do mythology or rock carvings contain information
about the processes discovered by us? =

Maybe we are not the first, maybe our remote ancestors knew all of this,
but, as a result of global cataclysms, were not able to keep the
knowledge in their hands? =

A few days had not passed before corroborations were found. Skimming
through different encyclopedias of historical and esoteric kinds it was
found that:

- American Indians have a legend about the Man-Spider, whose web
connects heaven worlds with the Earth (also called the 'Spider

- secret schools of India imagine some gods, who were working on
creating the Universe, as weaving a vast web-network which links the
world of light with world of darkness. They call these builders of the
cosmic system, who tied the embryo of the Universe with Invisible Power,
Gods-Spiders and their ruler - The Great Spider.

And the last straw, which delighted us completely, was photographs of
statues of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu. It was really a bolt from the blue. =

We put photos of Brahma, an image of a spider and a computer printout of
spider-effect and verified the comparison as accurate.

Without any doubt, we were thrilled with the realization of what we had
discovered and its infinite implications. But, what really matters is
that we have strengthened our confidence in the correctness of the
chosen direction of the researches. =

It was at that time, when the idea came to call this phenomenon which
occurs with proximity to the Earth - the GRAVITATIONAL SPIDER (picture
on the title page of the cover), however, there were also other
versions, for example, the BRAHMA-EFFECT.
The rest you will see for yourself....and let's please do discuss
-- =

Jerry Wayne Decker / / "From an Art to a Science"
Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187